A/N I found my old Ipod yesterday and came across some of Taylor Swift's old music and got inspired. John and Sherlock are in University and Sherlock plays the guitar at a pub. I wrote Mary as a bitch because I hate her lol. Enjoy <3
"John, why are we here?" Mary was complaining again as John ordered their drinks. He rolled his eyes and glanced around the small bar.
"I told you, Sherlock is singing here tonight and I promised we would come support him." Mary grumbled and pulled out her phone, no doubt texting her friends about how bored she was.
"I really don't know why you are friends with him. He's weird. I heard he keeps body parts in his fridge."
"Mary, leave him alone. He's just different, that's all." John and Sherlock shared a flat since their first day at the college and had become inseparable almost instantly. No one really cared for the brilliant young man, his anti-social tendencies causing him to rub people up the wrong way. John liked him though, finding his mind and strange tendencies to be rather amusing and endearing.
"He's weird." She stated again, sounding more than a little bored. The waitress arrived with their drinks and John scanned the crowed while he sipped his beer. He glanced towards the stage and caught sight of a familiar head of curls peaking around the curtain. He grinned and waved, but Sherlock must not have seen him because he simply tucked his head back behind the curtain. John pulled out his phone and sent the younger boy a text.
Hey Superstar – JW
Why is it I still experience nerves before preforming? – SH
It's illogical – SH
I have been doing this for far too long to still experience such base emotions – SH
Why would you call me Superstar? – SH
John chuckled, he was always surprised how fast his friend could text.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are human? – JW
Because the bar is filled with people that knew you were playing tonight and came to hear you, that makes you a Superstar – JW
I thought you said I was a vampire? – SH
They aren't here because they like my music, they are here to see if I can really function outside the lab – SH
I'm here because I like your music 😉 – JW
For shame Mr. Watson, flirting with me while your girlfriend sits beside you – SH
Something tells me she really won't notice. I didn't think you saw us out here – JW
I didn't, I just assumed you would drag her along – SH
What makes you think I had to drag her? – JW
She hates me – SH
Don't deny it – SH
You can't even effectively lie over text – SH
I must go – SH
The curtain rises – SH
Good luck Superstar 😉 – JW
The lights in the bar dimmed and John grinned as he watched the red curtain lift from the floor, revealing his lanky friend, propped against a stool with a stunning black guitar in his lap. He looked like he belonged up there, dressed in his usual too-tight jeans and deep purple t-shirt. His already pale skin looking ethereal under the stage lights. He introduced himself and started playing, his first few songs being covers of some of the more popular tunes on the radio. John loved hearing Sherlock sing, his deep voice adding a dark tone to everything he sang. Mary played on her phone through the entire show, causing a spark of annoyance to light in John's mind.