A/N So this started as a cute little story and it kinda got away from me lol. I noticed that we often see fics that focus on Sherlock's uncertainty during their first time, but we really don't see a lot that talk about John's so I wrote one lol. Needless to say this needs a SMUT WARNING!!!! I figured it was about time I posted something with smut, the past few have been pretty damned fluffy. This one is also really fluffy, but it has smut to :) Enjoy<3
Sherlock heard the front door slam, and tensed as he heard John's angry footsteps making their way up the steps. His boyfriend had spent the day with his sister, and judging by the tension in his steps, it had not gone well. Sherlock stood when John entered the flat, taking in the tension of his shoulders and the set of his jaw. He walked over to the shorter man and stood before him, almost timidly, not wanting to touch his lover if it was unwanted.
John always was a little hesitant when he came back from a meeting with his family, their harsh words about his relationship with the detective. This was the first time since they had started dating that he had seen anyone from his family. It had only been Harry, so Sherlock had a difficult time believing that any harsh words had been thrown.
"Welcome home-"
"I really don't want to talk about it Sherlock." His tone was harsh and Sherlock felt a pang of hurt in his chest. Something was wrong. Sherlock hung his head slightly and nodded, stepping away from his boyfriend and giving him some space. John looked apologetic, running his hands through his hair and sighing in frustration. "I'm sorry, I just- I need to shower. I'm sorry, just leave me alone for a little bit ok?" Sherlock nodded and watched John stalk off towards the bathroom. An idea wormed its way into Sherlock's mind and he grinned, scurrying off to his room to put his plan into motion.
John finished his shower, the warm water doing a wonderful job at releasing the tension from his shoulders, but doing nothing for the darkness in his brain. He pulled on his pajama bottoms and dried his hair with a towel. He opened the door to the bathroom and froze, the sight before him stunning him into stillness. Sherlock had somehow managed to pin sheets to the ceiling and walls, turning the room into a large tent. He had pulled his mattress into the middle of the sitting room and was kneeling on it, lighting a candle and mumbling to himself. The lights were off, the only source of light in the room coming from the candles that Sherlock was expertly lighting.
"Sherlock, what the-" The detective started slightly at John's voice, turning and smiling at the blogger.
"I didn't hear you come out. What do you think?" He stood and walked timidly toward John, looking slightly apprehensive.
"It's lovely, but I don't understand, why did you do all of this?" Sherlock stopped just within arms reach of John and flushed lightly, clasping his hands behind his back and bouncing lightly on his toes. He is adorable when he is nervous.
"I used to build forts when I was little and Mycroft would hurt my feelings. They made me feel better because of the comforting environment. I would smuggle food in and talk to myself until I felt better. I thought since your visit with Harry obviously did not go well, I would make you a fort. Food is on the way, and I have brought out some wine and ice cream for later." John was overwhelmed, Sherlock didn't often do things that involved emotional matters, but when he did, he always went above and beyond. John stepped forward and pulled his lover in for a hug. He tucked his head under the taller man's chin and breathed in his scent. He felt safe in Sherlock's arms, and despite the nasty things his family thought about the man, he knew he was loved.
"I'm sorry Sherlock." He whispered, feeling his emotions well up behind his eyes. Sherlock pulled away, taking John's face tenderly in his hands and pressing soft, timid kisses to his eyelids and nose.