A/N TRIGGER WARNING!!!! mentions of sexual assault and sexual abuse. Sherlock is attacked and John comes to his rescue. Enjoy<3
"Hey geek; how's the studying going?" The loud voices cut through Sherlock's concentration, causing him to glance up from the book he was reading. A group of jocks were crowded around him, giggling and pushing each other. He wrinkled his nose at them and attempted to return his attention to the book in front of him. The book was violently smacked from his hands, connecting with his knees before skidding across the grass.
"Are you deaf, or just stupid?" One of the vile teens shouted at him, causing Sherlock to flinch slightly.
"Considering the fact that I was reading a book, something that I am sure you have never heard of before, it is safe to assume I am not stupid. And the fact that I am answering your obnoxious questions clears up the other half of your question. So, we must be left with the fact that I just really didn't want to talk to you." Sherlock instantly regretted speaking. The tallest of the jocks, Jim, grabbed Sherlock by the collar and drug him to his feet. His head connected with the side of the building he had been propped against with a sharp thud, sending stars shooting across his vision. He found himself pinned against the brick by the shorter teen. Sherlock struggled against the grip he was trapped under to no avail. He felt a knee press against his crotch and his stomach clenched.
"What's wrong, genius? Thought you were into this?" The teen sneered, growling into his ear as he roughly groped Sherlock.
"Get off me." Sherlock tried desperately to escape. He didn't want this. He hated all physical contact; even his own touch was revolting most of the time. The group of boys that accompanied Jim crowded around them, glancing over their shoulders and whispering to each other. They were keeping watch.
"Nope, I really don't think so." The boy growled, roughly grabbing at Sherlock's side, his fingers surely leaving bruises on his sensitive skin. He felt the knee against his crotch move and bit his lip against the assault of feelings that flooded him. His body was reacting even though his mind was flooding his system with fear. He could feel himself start to shake. "You like that, eh smart ass?" Jim slammed his closed fist into Sherlock's gut, causing the thin teen to grunt. His body tried to double over in pain but was held back by Jim's firm grasp. Jim continued his assault, speaking profanities into his ear. It didn't take very long for Jim to have Sherlock's suit shirt untucked and his belt undone.
"Please, stop." He begged; only to be rewarded with a harsh hand grabbing his jaw. Tears filled his eyes as he was forced to look into the eyes of his attacker.
"Look boys, he's crying and begging. I wonder what else I can make him do." The group of boys laughed and spurred him on. He started fighting with the buttons on Sherlock's trousers, sending a flare of panic throughout Sherlock's body. He started fighting back harder than before, scrabbling to get away. Jim was quite a bit stronger than Sherlock so it didn't take much for him to contain the lanky boy.
"Is everything alright over here?" A vaguely familiar voice floated over the wall of boys. John Watson, the new senior that everyone was so enthralled by. He wasn't very tall boy, but carried himself with the confidence of a soldier.
"If you say anything I will beat you senseless." Jim growled in his ear before pushing away and turning on the newcomer. "Nothing at all, we are just having a bit of fun. Don't you have a Chemistry class to get to Watson?" Sherlock scrambled to adjust his clothes and escape before John left. He was about to walk away when Jim slammed him back against the wall, his skull once again cracking against the brick. The shorter man shot him a venomous glare that made Sherlock shrink in on himself and whimper. John glanced between him and Jim for a moment, seeming to attempt to read what was happening. He caught Sherlock's eye and must have seen the terror in his face because his eyes hardened and his fists tightened.