A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! Sorry this one took a while...I wanted to do some research before I wrote it...So this one is a bit different...In this one...Sherlock is asexual and John is Heterosexual and Biromantic...If you don't know what that means...it means he is physically attracted to women, but can feel emotional attraction to both men and women...he and Sherlock are dating but don't have sex....(I am going to include a chart explaining the entire spectrum for you guys...) My little sister is ace and she was saying how little representation there is in stories for different orientations, so I decided to play with it a bit...hope you like it!! Enjoy<3
"You're asking me for relationship advice?" Sherlock rolled his eyes, already irritated with the conversation. Talking with Gavin was always tedious, but he had been married and was now in a relationship with Mycroft, so that made him the leading expert on relationships. "I didn't even know you were with anyone-"
"Of course you didn't, you are horrendously unobservant-"
"Oi! You want my help?" Sherlock snapped his jaw shut, nodding reluctantly. "'Okay, what is her name?"
"It's John." Lestrade chocked on his coffee, coughing violently as Sherlock fidgeted awkwardly. He knew the conversation that was about to happen, and had been dreading it.
"You and John?" Lestrade croaked his eyes wide as he clearly struggled to process the new information. Sherlock nodded, playing with the lid on his coffee cup. "I thought-"
"What? That John can do better?"
"No, nothing like that. I just thought that he isn't gay, and you don't feel things like that."
"John isn't gay, and I am asexual."
"So he's bi?"
"Biromantic and heterosexual."
"What does that mean?" Sherlock sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. He hated trying to explain his and John's relationship to people, as very few people could wrap their minds around it.
"It means that he can have romantic feelings for either sex, but he only feels a sexual attraction for women." Greg was quiet for a moment, and Sherlock felt his irritation level soften slightly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
"So, is it like an open relationship kind of thing?" Sherlock furrowed his brow, the question sending a flare of confusion through his mind. "I mean, you're ace, right?" Sherlock nodded, trying to figure out where the other man was going with his thought process. "So you don't like sex, but John does?"
"What are you trying to ask, Geoffrey?" Lestrade flushed, rubbing the back of his neck and shifting uncomfortably. "I don't feel the urge or need to have sex, whereas John only feels sexually attracted to women- oh." Lestrade's vague questions suddenly clicked in the back of Sherlock's mind, and he swallowed thickly at the thought of John being unsatisfied in their relationship.
"Hey, I'm sorry Mate, I didn't mean to upset you-"
"Do you think John is unhappy?" Lestrade somehow managed to look even more uncomfortable as he patted the back of Sherlock's shoulder.
"I don't know Sherlock, maybe you should ask him?"
"Are you happy?" Sherlock heard John's tired sigh and felt the mattress shift beside him as the other man turned to face him.
"At the moment, not particularly." Sherlock glared up at the ceiling, silently cursing himself for ever talking to Lestrade. He had tried to erase the thought, cleanse his mind palace of it, but he couldn't. That nasty voice in the back of his mind, the one that reminded him of every failure, kept repeating the words, trying to make them real. John is miserable. He wants more and you're too scared to give it to him. He going to leave you for some pretty little whore-