A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! Here is an idea I came up with a while ago after reading a prompt on Tumblr. I think I see potential for a full AU book with this so I may continue it on it's own. Let me know what you think. Enjoy<3
When John first moved into the flat, he didn't notice anything strange or amiss. This lovely little flat on Baker street, that came fully furnished and full of strange items. The landlady, Mrs. Hudson, told him that he could keep the furniture if he wanted, but he wasn't allowed to throw any of the clutter out. All she would say in explanation was that she knew the young man it all had belonged to and he might return for it one day. So, John left everything where it was. Its not like he had a lot of stuff to fill an empty flat.
He was living there for almost three weeks when things started to get weird. His tea would suddenly fall off the table, or the kitchen cabinets would slam closed if he left them open.
He brushed it off at first, his mind rationalizing the events by coming up with barely plausible theories. It was a breeze, or he moved too quickly. They didn't fit, but they were better than the alternative.
Then he came home to find one of the science textbooks flying towards his head.
"What the fuck?" He shouted as he hit the floor, covering his head and looking around desperately. There was no explaining this away. Once he was certain there were no more flying objects, he rose to his feet, chewing nervously at his lip.
He was too young for this, living in a haunted flat. He had exams coming up and he needed to focus.
"A-Alright, um, what's your name?" There was no answer, but the air in the flat suddenly got cold. "My- my name is John." He yelped as a teacup flew at him, shattering against the wall behind his head. "Hey! Stop breaking my shit!" He snapped, feeling his frustration rising. "This is my flat now, you can stay here if you want, but if you keep breaking my stuff I'm going to have to get rid of you. Deal?" There was silence, no more books or mugs flying at his head. John nodded and went about his day, trying to come up with a plan as to how to deal with his new flatmate.
"What am I going to do Greg?" John whined, dropping his head to the table with a painful thud. "This fucking ghost is getting worse." He had told his buddy Greg about his little ghost problem, and now he spent most nights at the pub with his friend.
"Maybe you just need to talk to him."
"I've tried that. It always winds up with me on the floor and textbooks being thrown at my skull. It found my gun Greg! My fucking gun! I had to hide it in a salted lockbox just to stop it from shooting the bloody walls."
"I don't mean you talk to him and piss him off-"
"How do you know it's a he?"
"How do you know its not?" John shrugged, taking a swig of his beer. "Anyway, what I mean is do like a séance or something."
"Really? A séance? What is this, a cheesy horror flick?"
"You are whining about a ghost shooting your walls and you are skeptical about preforming a séance?"
"Shut up." John sighed, rubbing his face with his hands and finishing off his pint. An idea struck him, one that he hoped would work. "I've got to get going. I'll see you tomorrow?" He dropped a couple of bills on the table and left, heading to the nearest office supply store.
"Alright, I have an idea. I want to talk to you, like a full conversation. So, I got you this," John held out a whiteboard and marker, hoping the ghost was listening. "You can use this to talk to me. I-I'll leave it on the fridge. I want to try to make this work, so just, behave, please?" He hung the whiteboard on the fridge and headed upstairs to bed.