The New Flatmate

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So.... StiffPansycake Requested either a college or high school AU so I wrote this. John is starting college at Bart's and gets a flat off campus on Baker Street, where he meets his crazy new flatmate Sherlock. Enjoy!!!

John climbed out of the cab, taking a steadying breath before knocking on the door of 221 Baker Street. The landlady, Mrs. Hudson, told him that she would be home to give him his keys and introduce him to his new flatmate. The door was opened by a sweet looking elderly lady, Mrs. Hudson presumably. She pulled John in for a hug before escorting him into the building.

"Your flat is just up the stairs dear. You head up there I will grab your keys." She bustled him up the worn stairs, scurrying off to her own flat to grab his keys. He walked up the stairs and tried the handle to the door that read 221B. The door swung open easily, revealing a cluttered flat, filled with papers and books.

"Hudders! Wait until you hear what I have discovered-" a tall, thin, lanky young man came swirling into the room, silk dressing gown flowing behind him. He froze when he caught sight of John, blinking uncertainly as he stood there. John felt slightly uncomfortable as he was scrutinized by, who he assumed to be, his new flatmate.

"Hey, I'm John, your new flatmate."

"I don't have a flatmate."

"Mrs. Hudson assured me that you were aware I was moving in."

"Mrs. Hudson!" John jumped as the young man in front of him shouted.

"Yes dear?" John flinched at the closeness of the lady's voice, earning a tender pat on the shoulder from her and a curious glance from his new flatmate.

"Was I made aware that I have a new flatmate?"

"Yes dear, I told you I was finding you someone a month ago, and I told you last week that John was moving in today."

"Oh, I must have deleted that." John blinked, trying to figure out what was going on. "Anyways, do you remember the experiment I was conducting this morning Hudders?" The young man spun away, hurrying back into the kitchen, chatting away about some science nonsense John only vaguely understood.

"Sorry dear, that's Sherlock. He isn't normally that rambunctious."

"I see."

"Do you need any help moving your stuff up dear? I'm sure Sherlock can spare a few moments to help you."

"He doesn't have anything Mrs. Hudson, just that one suitcase he is carrying. You can leave now."

"Wait, how did you-"

"Sherlock, don't be rude." Mrs. Hudson snapped, taking John's elbow and leading him up another set of stairs, showing him his room. He placed his suitcase on the bed before following the chattering lady back to the sitting room. "So, John, what will you be studying at Bart's?" John was starting college in a few days, that's why he could get this flat for such a good deal. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Sherlock.

"He is a med student, planning to be a doctor in the army."

"How did you know that?" John flushed, feeling uncomfortable as Sherlock turned to look at him, his pale eyes seeming to take in everything about him.

"I could tell you, but that would be no fun." Sherlock winked at him, sending a flash of heat washing over John's face.

"Sherlock." Mrs. Hudson warned, causing the pale man's cheeks to turn a soft pink.

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