A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So sorry about the wait!!! I've been crazy busy this past week or so, and this story wound up being a little longer than I anticipated...but I finished it so there you go!!! Hope you guys like it!!! Keep in mind...I know almost nothing about YouTube or collabing with other people....Enjoy<3
You and @S_Holmes should do a collab!!!
OMG Yes!!! I need a collab between you and @S_Holmes more than I need life right now!!!
John sorted through the comments on his most recent video, adding another thirty collab requests to the pile. That made over one hundred requests for him to work with this S_Holmes character in the past three months.
He had looked up S_Holmes up once, after the first few requests had come in, and honestly couldn't understand why people wanted them to collaborate.
Holmes's channel was posh, boring, and clearly geared for people that could afford high end ingredients and fancy cookware.
John's channel was aimed at poor college kids, much like himself, that lived in tiny bedsits with no space to do anything fancy, but didn't want to live off fast food and cereal.
Their channels were polar opposites, and he couldn't even begin to imagine how they would film together, but his fans were demanding it, so he sent a message to S_Holmes.
Hey! My name is John Watson. I run a food blog here, and I've gotten a lot of requests to do a collab with you....interested? - FromMyBedsit
He didn't expect a response, so he got ready to close out his computer and head to bed. It was late and he had a lot of editing to do tomorrow.
Just as he was about to close YouTube, his computer dinged.
What is a 'collab'? I've gotten a few comments asking for this as well... - S_Holmes
John stared at his computer for a moment, both shocked at the quick response and the fact that S_Holmes, one of the bigger personalities on the site didn't know what a collab was.
Uh... For real? Collaborate... as in, we do a video together... - FromMyBedsit
Oh! That makes sense... why do people want us to work together? – S_Holmes
Beats the shit outta me mate... But, what the people want, eh? – FromMyBedsit
There was a long pause between messages, and John started to get concerned that he was being rejected.
What did you have in mind? – S_Holmes
It took nearly three weeks of constant emails and bickering to finally decide how the collab was going to work, and by the time it was supposed to happen, John was almost certain he hated the mysterious S_Holmes.
They had decided that John was going to get Holmes to help him make a simple soup for his channel, then they would film at Holmes's place to do his half. He was apparently going to show John how to integrate chemistry and a blow torch into cooking.
John was fussing with his camera, a simple, mid-quality thing that always gave him trouble, when the buzzer rang. He pressed the call button and readied himself to meet his soon-to-be co-star.
"It's Sherlock Holmes." So, that's his first name then.
"Yeah, come on up mate. Third floor, last door on the left. Take the stairs though, pretty sure something died in the elevator shaft."