A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So...It totally took me way too long to realize that the last oneshot I wrote was number 150!!! Holy shit eh? So...for 151..I figured I would try something I haven't done before..so here is a short Fem!Lock story!!! It is written to She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer...I have never written Fem!Lock before so I hope it's alright...one day I will attempt smut but for now let's start with a bit of fluff...Enjoy<3
Sherlock made her way into the run-down looking bar, doing her best not to wrinkle her nose as she saw a waitress wiping down a table with a ratty cloth. She would never understand why J always insisted that this was her favorite place to sing.
But she had agreed to come out tonight, and after how upset J had gotten when Sherlock's experiment ruined the counters this morning, it seemed like the best plan.
She found herself a small table near the front of the room and ordered a glass of wine, doing her best to ignore the confused looks from the other patrons.
She didn't fit in here, though she easily could have if she had put in the effort, but J loves this outfit. She was only here to make her girlfriend happy, so she smiled in what she hoped was a polite way at the waitress and settled in to wait.
"Hey Gorgeous." Sherlock rolled her eyes and ignored the man that had approached her, taking another sip of wine. "I said, hey Gorgeous." A hand landed on her shoulder and she just barely resisted the urge to break it. She turned to send a cold smirk at him, her eyes taking in details.
"Sorry, were you speaking to me? I only respond to people who are worth my time." She felt the hand on her shoulder tighten and felt her anger flare up dangerously.
"No need to be a bitch, I just wondered-"
"You were wondering if I was interested in slipping out to the loo for a quickie. I wonder, what would your fiancé think of that? I doubt she would be pleased, though I'm sure that unless she is dim, she knows and just believes you're the best she can get." Sherlock pointedly scanned the man again, twisting her face into a nasty sneer. "She would be completely incorrect if that were the case. Even I could do a better job of keeping her satisfied. Now, get your hand off me and leave me alone before I break it." The man looked furious, but he left her alone all the same. Her lips quirked up in a self-satisfied grin and she took a sip of her wine.
The lights in the club started to dim and there was a shuffling on the stage as the music faded. When Sherlock looked up, she felt her lips widen into a pleased grin.
J stood at centre stage, her guitar hanging down near her hips and that crooked grin Sherlock loved so much on her face. She always wore her guitar too low, but despite the number of times Sherlock had tried to adjust the strap, J always put it back to where she liked it.
J's eyes met Sherlock's and her grin brightened. She winked down at Sherlock, sending a flush across her face and neck.
"Hey everyone! So, this first song is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend, who is actually here tonight. Love you Locket." She winked at Sherlock again, who once again blushed, before looking back at the band that stood behind her.
The music started, a mid-tempo song that Sherlock recognized instantly.
Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now
Sherlock loved listening to J sing, her alto voice easily filling the small bar and catching everyone's attention.
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey
J grinned down at her and winked when the song paused.
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Sherlock smiled as that line reminded her of how much J loved seeing her in her oversized sweaters and boxer shorts.
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
Sherlock blushed as she thought of the first time they kissed, breathless and adrenaline fueled. Her lipstick had transferred onto J's lips, making her look wonderfully dishevelled.
Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you
Sherlock felt her eyes fill with moisture with the thought of marrying J. She caught her girlfriend's eyes and grinned, nodding slightly. J's grin widened and she winked back, sending fire along Sherlock's body.
You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down
Sherlock watched the rest of J's performance with a soft smile, her chest tight with emotion.
As soon as J finished, she pulled her guitar off her shoulders and set it in the stand, hopping off the stage and making her way to Sherlock.
She pulled Sherlock to her feet and pressed an enthusiastic kiss to her lips.
"Hey Gorgeous." Sherlock laughed, hiding her face in the crook of the shorter girl's neck. "What'd you think?" Sherlock grinned and shifted slightly, catching her girlfriend's lips in another sweet kiss.
"It was amazing My Love, as always." J smiled brightly, kissing Sherlock softly again. "Can we go home now?" J's laugh cut through the excited chatter of the bar and made Sherlock's heart flutter.
"What? You don't fancy popping back to the loo for a bit of fun?" J winked at her and sent another blush across her cheeks.
"I can't even begin to imagine the state of the washroom in this place." J rolled her eyes sarcastically and Sherlock chuckled softly, leaning down to speak in her lover's ear. "Besides, I think I would much prefer to have you against the front door of our flat." Sherlock smirked as J bit her lip and whimpered softly, pressing closer to Sherlock.
"That's the idea Love." J leaned up and kissed Sherlock deeply, pulling a soft sigh from the taller girl.
"You, Sherlock Holmes, are going to be the death of me."
"Yeah, but you love it."
"Oh, God yes."