A/N So the inspiration is finally back!! I saw a thing on Facebook and thought it was kind of clever so I came up with this. Enjoy <3
Sherlock was acting weird, even for him. He kept getting flustered and stumbling over his words whenever John would say something. The doctor was confused; he had never seen the detective so unsure before. He just assumed that it was because him and Rosie had moved in and disrupted his life, so he didn't mention it. He hoped everything would just pass.
He was sitting at the kitchen table feeding Rosie when he heard a soft thumping noise beside him. He looked up to see a blushing Sherlock Holmes standing next to him. He glanced at the floor and noticed something by his feet. Shooting a look of confusion at the detective, he reached down and grabbed the object off the floor. It was a lime. He went to ask Sherlock why he dropped a lime next to him, but the man was gone. He glanced at the lime and noticed something was written on it in black ink. After a closer look he recognized the writing as Sherlock's phone number. His phone went off, the message was from Sherlock.
It's a pick up lime... - SH
John giggled at the pun, absentmindedly taking the spoon that Rosie had started banging on the table away before responding.
Are you flirting with me Mr. Holmes? – JW
Maybe... - SH
Would you be mad if I were flirting with you? – SH
John thought about it for a moment. They had been dancing around their relationship ever since they hugged a couple of months ago. John had stopped objecting to people calling them a couple, and even stopped resisting the urge to touch him more frequently. He smirked at the thought of Sherlock trying to flirt with him.
Of course not, why would you think that? - JW
You aren't gay.... – SH
This is true... but I would be willing to change that for you – JW
....Really? – SH
Really – JW
It was a few weeks before they talked about it again, and John began to wonder if the detective had forgotten about what had happened. He was once again sitting at the kitchen table feeding Rosie when the topic came up again. Sherlock came in with a huge block of ice, setting it down on the table and pulling a hammer out of his coat pocket.
"Sherlock what-" His words were cut off by Sherlock smashing the block of ice with the hammer. "Sherlock, what the hell was that?"
"Now that we have broken the ice, I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me." Sherlock sounded timid, glaring at the floor and bouncing on his toes. John noticed the blush that tainted the pale skin of the detective's face. He grinned and stood, placing his hands on Sherlock's shoulders and turning him so he was facing the blogger. He lifted Sherlock's chin enough so that he could look in his eyes. Those perfect, pale eyes were full of hope and embarrassment and John felt his heart swell. He really cared about this crazy man.
"I would love to go out to dinner with you."
"Really, stop asking me that. Now, I have a question for you." Sherlock's eyes lit and he hummed his acknowledgement. John sent him a flirtatious grin. "Well, your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" Sherlock's eyes widened as he registered John's meaning. He nodded slightly and John pressed a gentle kiss to the detective's lips. They jolted apart when Rosie let out a squeal of laughter and threw her bowl to the floor. They laughed and set about cleaning the mess.
Later that night, Mrs. Hudson had agreed to take Rosie for a few hours so John and Sherlock could go out to dinner. While they were getting ready, Sherlock paused, turning to face his blogger with a curious expression.
"John, can I ask you a personal question?"
"Of course love."
"Where do you hide your wings?" John started laughing at the terrible line, giggling and pulling the chuckling detective in for a hug.
"You know, you don't have to use cheesy pickup lines anymore, I'm going out with you."
"I know, but I like making you laugh."
"Well then, by all means, continue." Sherlock grinned and resumed pulling on his jacket.
As they were walking down the street, heading for Angelo's, Sherlock seemed to get rather nervous.
"John, would you be okay with holding my hand?" John's chest swelled and he nodded, grabbing Sherlock's hand and entwining their fingers. "Now I can tell everyone that I have been touched by an angel." The two men giggled and continued on their way.
Their night was filled with good food, stolen kisses, and cheesy pickup lines. John couldn't have imagined a better first date.