A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! So a while ago I wrote a oneshot called Kiss the Cook and a few of you ( forestlock Moony_The_Wolf523 and Kristin5687) (Kudos to Kristin for bugging me about it lol love ya girl<3) asked for a part two where John makes Sherlock wait before sex. SMUT WARNING!!!!!! I like to think that Sherlock would have a bit of an exhibitionist side to him ;) Enjoy<3
"Welcome Sherlock!" The cheery voice of Angelo welcomed John and Sherlock as they entered the little restaurant. Sherlock smiled and let the bubbly man pull him in for a hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Table for the two of you then?" Sherlock smiled tightly and nodded, taking his and John's jacket and hanging them on the available hooks.
"With a candle, if you don't mind Angelo." John piped up, a cheeky grin on his face. Angelo clapped and crowed loudly, grabbing John's face and pressing a wet kiss to both of his cheeks, congratulating the pair. He led them to their seats, insisting on making them something special. John turned to face Sherlock, his eyes glittering in the candlelight. "You look lovely tonight." He whispered, smiling softly. Sherlock blushed, looking away and shifting uncomfortably.
"I could say the same for you." John chuckled, placing a hand on Sherlock's thigh and squeezing lightly. He leaned in close and whispered, his voice dark and sultry.
"Remember that first night? The night you kissed me while I wore that apron?" John could hear as Sherlock swallowed thickly and nodded. He knew the detective could see where he was going with this. "Do you remember what I told you?" He trailed his hand slightly higher along Sherlock's thigh, not missing the way he shifted in his seat. "Do you Love?"
"Y-Yes John." John grinned in satisfaction, knowing he had the younger man's attention.
In the past few weeks, John had learned just how sensitive Sherlock was to hearing John speak. John could have the younger man trembling with need and begging to be fucked, simply by telling him what he wanted to do to him.
"I told you I wanted to make you wait, make you sit nicely and eat your dinner while I tease you, while I drive you mad." Sherlock was already trembling, licking his lips and twitching his fingers.
Angelo came by, pouring wine and asking the boys about their relationship. John played nice, smiling and answering his questions politely. His fingers kept trailing along the inner seam of Sherlock's trousers, sneaking higher with each pass. Angelo finally left and John leaned back in, gently nipping at Sherlock's ear and hearing the soft sound that fell from his lover's throat.
"God, you're so beautiful when you're like this, all trembling and needy. Makes me want to take you home and fuck you into the mattress." Sherlock whimpered, shifting uncomfortably and licking his lips, his cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. "Do you think Angelo knows? Do you think he can see how hard you are right now?"
"J-John-" Sherlock' voice was rough and desperate, and it sent a spark of arousal through John's body.
"I love how receptive you are, how easily you respond to my voice. I bet I could make you come like this, couldn't I?" Sherlock whimpered and closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing.
Angelo arrived, dropping their plates of pasta in front of them, asking a few more questions before refilling their wine glasses and leaving.
"Eat your food Love, like a good boy."
"John, please-" John pulled his hand off Sherlock's thigh and sent him a serious glare.
"Eat, or this little game is over and we can go home and I will sleep in my old room." Sherlock's eyes widened and he shook his head desperately, picking up his fork and twirling the pasta. John grinned proudly and returned his hand to it's spot on the detective's thigh. "Good boy." He murmured, taking a bite of his own pasta and over-exaggerating a pleased moan at the taste. Sherlock squirmed at the sound, hiding his blush behind his glass as he took a sip of wine.