A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! OMG guys, this is my 100th oneshot in this book!!! how crazy is that??? Thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting!! I love you all so much!! I would not still be writing if it weren't for your support. Seriously....All the love!!!
Anyways...StiffPansycake requested a story with the boys at the beach, Mystrade included, so here it is!!! incredibly fluffy and fun. Hope you like it!!! Enjoy<3
"Why are we doing this John?" Sherlock whined for the hundredth time that morning.
"Because, the weather is finally nice and Greg and I want to go to the beach."
"So? You two can go by yourselves. I don't know why you are insisting on dragging myself and Mycroft along." John rolled his eyes, turning around to catch his anxious lover by the shoulders.
"I told you Love, it's called a double date. Greg and I enjoy hanging out, but we both want to enjoy the warm weather with the men we love." Sherlock glared down at him, though his expression wasn't nearly as thunderous as before. "Just, behave and try to have fun. For me?" Sherlock's eyes softened further at John's request. He was never able to resist John.
"I will try, but Mycroft has to behave too."
"He will, Greg promised he would make sure your brother is on his nicest behavior." John leaned up and kissed his boyfriend gently, smiling up at him before returning to what he had been doing. He had been tasked with bringing the food and drinks for the day. "I'll tell you what, I'll even see if I can swipe some of Mrs. Hudson's biscuits for you to munch on." He could almost feel the detective brighten at that.
He heard footsteps on the stairs and quickly added the final items into the bag.
"You let them in, I will go see about those biscuits, alright Love?" Sherlock nodded, heading for the door. John couldn't resist pinching his lover's firm ass as he passed, causing a yelp to escape the taller man's lips. He chuckled as he made his way down to their Landlady's flat.
Less than a few hours later, the group finally arrived at the beach. Mycroft, of course, had reserved a private stretch of beach, including a little beach house with a couple of hammocks tied up out front.
"This place is lovely." John said as he unpacked their food and drinks. They had decided to spend the night so they could drink all day.
"Yes, a house that is literally full of sand and an ocean filled with jellyfish and other biting creatures. It's paradise." Sherlock groused, kicking at the sand that stood in place of a traditional floor.
"Oi! Behave! Have a biscuit."
"You can't just shove sweets down my throat whenever I get irritable John. I'm not a-" Sherlock's words were cut short when John crammed a biscuit between his lips. The blogger laughed at the affronted expression on his lover's face, leaning up and biting off the end of the biscuit that still hung from Sherlock's lips before kissing the crumbs away. He spun the grumpy man around and slapped his ass, earning another yelp.
"Go help your brother set up the chairs. Tell Greg to come help me mix some drinks." Sherlock glanced back at him and flipped him off before sauntering away.
"Hey man, Sherlock said you needed some help?" Greg's voice came from the door. John looked up to see the DI leaning against the doorframe.
"Yeah, I was thinking of making margaritas. Want to give me a hand?"