You Didn't Deserve This

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! So SaraTheTemmie requested this one. Sorry it took me a bit to get it posted...I got distracted lol...Enjoy<3

It had been three hours since I had seen Sherlock last, and I was starting to debate calling him. I still got nervous when he would take off like that, memories of the fall flooding back. I decided to send him a text, if only to calm my anxiety.

Where are you? – JW

I'm on a case John – SH

Obviously – JW

Do you need any help? – JW

Don't you have a date with Mary tonight? – SH

I would hate to stand in the way of you getting laid – SH

You never had an issue with that before – JW

I didn't hear back from him for nearly half an hour. I was getting ready for my date with Mary when my phone buzzed again.

Baker Street – SH

Now – SH

What's wrong? – JW

Just come – SH

Please – SH

I immediately changed out of the suit I had put on and threw on jeans and a jumper. I grabbed my medical bag as I raced out of the flat I shared with my fiancé. I had left a kit at Baker Street, but it wasn't nearly as stocked as the one I kept with me. I hailed a cab and told the driver he would get double if he could get me to Baker Street in less then ten minutes.

I'm on my way – JW

Hurry – SH

My phone started to ring, it was Mary.

"Hello Dear. I should be home in about twenty minutes or so. Then I will Just shower and change then we can go."

"Listen, I'm sorry but somethings happened. Sherlock needs me."

"Are you serious John? You are blowing me off for him again? He promised to leave you alone tonight!"

"I know, I'm sorry, but he needs me. He wouldn't have asked for my help unless it was an emergency-"

"That's bullshit and you know it John."


"No, you know what John? Go be with Sherlock, you obviously care about him more than you care about me." She didn't give me a chance to defend myself before hanging up. This wasn't the first time we had fought over this, and something told me it wouldn't be the last. Even before Sherlock came back, we had fought about him. She hated it when I would wake up screaming his name, or when I would put off plans so I could go visit his grave. Sherlock Holmes was a source of tension in my relationship, and I couldn't deny that.

The car pulled up to the ever-familiar door of 221 Baker street and I threw the money at the cabbie, thanking him as I clambered out. I let myself in and hurried up the stairs, not even hesitating at the entry to the flat.

"Sherlock?" I called as I entered, scanning the room for my former flatmate.

"John?" I could hear him call me faintly from the bathroom. I hurried through the comforting halls and tried to push the door open, finding it blocked.

"Sherlock? I can't open the door, are you against it?"

"John." Was all I got in response. I hurried around to the door that connected the bathroom to his bedroom, swinging it open to find a grisly sight.

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