The Girl in the Libary

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Warnings - none 🐝
Your house - anyyyy

Draco's POV -
All I could hear was shrieks and sniggers from the other side of one of the many mahogany bookcases that littered the library.
Do people not understand there are others trying to concentrate in here?
Another cackle escaped and rung in my ears.
Obviously not.
It all fell silent for a while; hopeful that my wishes had been answered, I tried to regain my attention on the potions book I had been originally reading. However, it was all too good to be true. There was a sudden uproar of laughter from around the corner once again, and that was the final straw. Leaving my studies behind, I got up, ready to demand the peace I so desired.
"Do you not realise that there are-"
But any sort of my attempts couldn't be heard over the continued laughter.
On the other of the side of the bookcase, sat at the end of another oak table, huddled Hermione, Luna, Ginny and another girl who'd I never seen before; all laughing at something Ginny had just said.
I would usually just march up to them, but something about the unfamiliar girl caught my eye. I had heard rumours that someone new in our year was starting, but I hadn't seen anyone new until now.
"Apparently, she was homeschooled - by her aunt, mind. Heard her parents are both muggles." I remember Pansy telling me, and also her mocking afterwards.
Hermione added something to the end of Ginny's comment and they all burst out again.
I kept my eyes fixed on the bright wide smile of the unfamiliar face that had caught my attention. Something about her intrigued me, made me wanting more. Muggle born, Malfoy. Muggle born. What would your father say?
Her hair fell effortlessly, framing her face and highlighting her features. I caught glimpses of a silver powder around her eyes, illuminating the catching colour of her orbs. Her face lit up once again, as Hermione told another story. This girl is gorgeous.
Leaning against the bookcase, I stood wandering how this was possible. How was I entangled in the beauty of a muggle born? But the longer I stood and admired, the less the fact seemed an issue. But what would your mother and father say? What would your friends say?
Another smile appeared on her face, and with that all fear of judgement from others disappeared.
I plucked up the courage to walk over to the group. Common, you're Draco Malfoy. The Draco Malfoy.
"And then it turned completely green - and no one could turn it back!" I heard Hermione say, before the four of them burst into another fit of laughter. Hermione looked up, seeing me walk directly over to them. "Oh guys wait...shhh..shhhh!!" She tried to warn them.
Once all four had seen me, they all sat up straight and tried to contain their sniggers.
"Malfoy." Hermione greeted as she stood up, her dislike towards me clear.
The three others all had their heads down, even the new girl must have gained a warning impression from Hermione's tone.
"Hermione." I replied calmly. "I had just come over to introduce myself to our new student."
The new beauty loosened up a little, stood up and smiled gently at me.
"Hello." Her voice angelic and smooth. I noticed that her finger nails were painted the same colour as the silver around her eyes, as she gingerly tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear.
Slightly awe struck, I was babbling on what to say.
"I...uh...Draco Malfoy. My name is Draco Malfoy." I held out my hand.
Her smile widen, and shook my hand.
"Y/N Y/L/N."
I finally knew her name, and it was as beautiful as her appearance.
My eyes flickered in between hers, and daringly at her lips a few times. Y/N cheeks flushed up a delicate rose, her own eyes swimming with mine.
"Huchhum," Hermione coughed to grab our attention once more.
Y/N tore her eyes away, but I kept admiring her for a second longer, before gently letting her hand go.
"I'm pretty sure Y/N will hear all about you Malfoy." Ginny spat.
I sighed, remembering my ugly past.
"I hope to see you again soon, Y/N. Hopefully you'll be able to get to know me better, before hearing too much about me."
Y/N smiled gently again, causing my heart to flutter. How I had fallen so quickly I did not know.
I turned back around, and walked back towards my table. Before turning the corner behind the bookcase, I looked behind me, to see the beautiful Y/N smiling madly at me with pink cheeks. I nodded slightly, a smirk creeping across my face.

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