Ten reasons. - Part 2

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Here is part two my lovelies!! (Request from xoLovelyLiesxo Xx) - thank you for the wonderful new cover as well!! xoLovelyLiesxo 💜

Warnings - mentions of food
Your POV -
I jolted awake; head thumping and splintering pains running around my body. My eyes squinted at the streams of light as I sat up in the hospital bed.
"How are you feeling, dear?" Madam Pomfrey rushed over to me, seeing that I was awake.
"My head hurts."
"Ah, don't worry dear. Just a side effect of the spell I used yesterday, should wear off soon." She placed down a tray at the end of my bed, and poured a glass of water. "Eat up and you should be able to leave today."
"Thank you," I smiled at Madam Pomfrey, taking the tray and placing it on my lap. She smiled back, before wondering to the other patients.
I finished the porridge Madam Pomfrey had brought me, and turned to place it back on the side. I was about to put it down, when I saw a note right underneath it. A piece of crumbled parchment paper, and my name written on the front in pitch black ink. Opening it, it read, 'You're a great kisser - we should do that again some time. Draco X'.
Suddenly, the memories of last night came flooding back. Me creeping out of the ward; Draco finding me and looking upset; him sitting with me on the arch; me trying to comfort him; and then us kissing. I kissed Draco Malfoy.
My head fuzzed up.
Had I really kissed Draco Malfoy? No no, I hate him. Why would I do that? How could I do that? Did I not have any morals? Draco Malfoy; Hogwarts bully, pure blood Slytherin, son of Lucius Malfoy and I kissed him.
I have to find him.

Draco's POV -
The feeling of Y/N's lips pressed again mine still lingered with me all these hours after. Her kiss tasted as sweet as cherry, but yet as sour as lemon; and god it was intriguing. Part of me cursed myself for kissing her, but the other felt something unexplainable. It felt like magic.
"Malfoy!" I heard a voice screech from the other end of the empty corridor I was in.
"Draco Malfoy!" They screamed again.
Turning, I saw Y/N storming towards me; fire and anger in her eyes.
"How could you?! How could you?!" Y/N yelled, within touching distance of me now. "How could you kiss me?!"
"Shhh, someone will hear you!" Although it was early, the castle was still busy with people. "I'm guessing you didn't enjoy it then?"
Y/N's face grew red in rage.
"No. I did not enjoy it." She replied stubbornly.
Part of my heart sunk that she hadn't felt the same connection as I had, but I knew it would be a long shot anyway.
"Oh, how could you? How could you? How could I? What will people say? Oh my life, what will Hermione say?" Y/N mumbled in anxiety, her eyes filling with panic. "We can't tell anyone." She snapped.
"Not a word." I smirked.
"Stop it, just stop it." Sighing heavily, she stared me down. "No one, Malfoy. I mean it."
Y/N sighed again, and walked off.
Another day passed, and the sweet cherry still hadn't faded; in fact whenever I saw her, the taste grew until I felt like I was drinking a constant stream of cherry cola; the sourness of it all just floating away.
"Snap out of it. You're staring at that freak again." Pansy ordered, bringing my attention back to her prancing in front of me.
"What's up with you? You're being so weird lately." Blaise commented.
"Nothing, don't worry." I went back to daydreaming about Y/N. God, I am stuck. She was sat on the other side of the court yard with Hermione and Luna, just talking and laughing; looking amazing as always.

Your POV-
"Hi Y/N," Draco caught my eye as we passed in the corridor. I didn't say anything back. It had been like this for nearly a week now; Draco smiling at me, asking me how I am or how my day was, being kinder to my friends and even laying off Harry a bit. He was acting strange and I didn't like it; but I wasn't going to budge. I didn't want to be with Draco.

"Hey Y/N! Check this out!" Draco bellowed to me, whilst I sat in the stands with Hermione watching Harry and Ron during Quidditch practise. Draco and the rest of the Slytherin team weren't meant to be on the pitch, but I guess Wood didn't want to start a spat.
"Y/N! Watch this!" Draco called out again. He flew up high into the clear sky, before whistling loud to his team mate below who released the glimmering Snitch. It sprung high up, whizzing straight for Draco. I saw the small gold ball balance in front of Draco for a second, before shaking off gravity and heading straight back down. Draco followed, hurdling full speed towards the ground.
"Draco!" Someone screamed. "What the hell is he doing!?" I saw Fred yell towards the Slytherin team. Him and George flew directly underneath Draco, shouting at him to stop, but he was fixed on the Snitch.
He's going to kill himself to impress me.
The Snitch came to a stop, tickling the top of the grass on the pitch. Draco, a few seconds behind, shot his arm out, as he continued to shoot for the Snitch. Fred and George had pulled up, but the rest of the Gryffindor team ran in Draco's direction; the Slytherin team just laughing. As he fired closer to the ground, I shut my eyes. But hearing another curdling scream, my eyes shot open, expecting to see a broken Prince, but instead seeing a smug Malfoy shooting back up into the air - Snitch in his grip.
This time it was my scream.

"Draco! What the hell was that for!?" After the practise had finished, I found Draco heading for the changing rooms.
"What? Don't tell me you didn't find it impressive?" He smirked.
"Of course I didn't find it impressive! You could have died!"
His hair was swept back, gelling using a mixture of wind and sweat. For some reason, he looked extremely attractive all of a sudden. Y/N, no.
"But I didn't die." His cockiness annoying the hell out of me, but also slightly leading me on.
"Just leave me alone, Draco. You know I don't want anything with you." I turned to leave, but stopped as he said -
"In ten day, list ten reason why you hate me. If you give fair statements, then I'll lay off you, but if you don't how can you hate me?"
"Fine." I gritted.
This will be easy.
there have been quite a few comments as to why I put food as a warning - there are some people who can find food triggering or uncomfortable, include myself, so I'll always put that as just in case.

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