Obliviate. - Part 1

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Description - Draco visits the muggle world in order to do some research for his class, but down the small isle of a muggle library, meets a girl to change his life.
Warnings - none 💛
Your house - none as well

Your POV-
"Oh gosh, I am so sorry!" I apologised after bumping into someone whilst running down the slim isles of the library.
"Watch where you're- oh, no I'm sorry, that was my fault." The guy that I bumped into turned away from the book case and replied, a smile plastered across his face.
He stood tall, not completely towering me, but tall enough that I had look up. Immediately, I noticed the silver in his eyes, matching his hair. He was dressed well, head to toe in black, an outfit that I would have picked out as out of place if I had been paying attention.
Something about him intrigued me.  Something about him made me think that he wasn't meant to be here. His whole aura and manner was mysterious.
"No no, it was my fault honestly," I smiled back.
The guy kept eye contact with me, eyes flicking around my face. I could feel my cheeks turning a rose colour and heating up a little.
"I'm Y/N." I said.
"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." His voice was a silky as his eyes.
"Are you looking for anything in particular or?" I gestured to bookcase he had been originally staring at, seeing that it was titled up as 'Mythology'.
"Oh no, just research. You?" Draco nodded towards the pile of books in my arms.
"Just a little light reading." I laughed.
Draco and l held eye contact, a smirk slid onto his face once he saw my cheeks flare up again. Looking down at the watch strapped to my wrist, I knew I had to go.
"Urm, I don't usually do this, but...urm...here-" I took a pen out of one of my books, and took Draco's hand. He looked a little unsure, but didn't resist. Carefully, I wrote my number on the palm of his hand before folding it up and dropping it gently. This time it was Draco's time to blush. "Call me."
I smiled brightly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, and walked off.

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