Ten reasons. - Part 1

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Finally finished the first part of the request from xoLovelyLiesxo ! Going to start on the second part soon so keep an eye out for that - hope you enjoy! X

Warnings - mentions of blood, cuts & swearing
Your house - any but Slytherin 🌙

Draco's POV -
To say Y/N and I were friendly would be wrong. Our different houses made our relationship bitter from the start, and our differences in character kept it that way. She hated me because of the way I treated people, and I hated her because I'm a Malfoy, and that's what I do. I just treated her as she treated me.

"Partners are up on the board!" Snape, newly positioned as the DADA teacher, bellowed.
"Hey Draco! Guess who you're with?" Blaise smirked. "Y/N."
"Brilliant." My face twisted. This was my chance. I had been practising my sectumsempra spell, an uncommonly used charm which creates slashes across your opponents body, and now was the chance to test it out. The spell hadn't been taught to us in class, so I knew Y/N would have a hard time blocking it.
I walked over to the other side of the mat she was stood on, drawing my wand.
"The rules stand as followed, 5 minutes practice against your partner. Whoever manages to successfully disarm your opponent first, wins." Snape spoke to the class. "Good luck. Begin."
The second Snape finished, Y/N screamed "Alarte Ascendare!", shooting me high into the air.
Taken back, the best I could yell was"Expelliarmus!", which Y/N successfully blocked.
"Flipendo!" Y/N retorted, trying to flip me backwards, but I blocked it.
"Stupefy!" Y/N didn't dodge that one, flinging back into the wall. I was about to cry expelliarmus, but she swiftly drew up her wand, yelling "Locomotor mortis!", binding my legs together firmly. Demobilised, Y/N obviously thought she had won as she swayed towards me to take my wand, blood dripping from a cut in her forehead. This was it.
Cuts and gashes started to appear on Y/N's arms.
"What the-?" She stared down at them. "Fuck." She yelped. "Malfoy, stop it!" Y/N cried. Tears began to form, as blood trickled down her arms, the cuts becoming deeper.
"Draco!" I heard Snape. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Snape turned to Y/N, who was gritting her teeth in pain. "Finite incantaten." The bleeding stopped, and my legs became free.
"What the hell was that, Draco?!" Y/N stormed towards me.
"What? It's a duel - can't you take it?"
Y/N's face turned red, flinging her wand into the air, aimed directly at me.
"Y/N, hey hey," Hermione grabbed Y/N's arms, pulling her back.
"Take her to Madam Pomfrey, Ms Granger." Snape commanded.
Y/N looked angered and hurt, her eyes still welled up. She stared back at me with disgust, and shook her head in disbelief as Hermione walked with her out of the room.
"Mr Malfoy, don't think you're getting out of this. That spell hasn't been taught to you in class, and therefore you are not permitted to use it in a duel."
"So am I not allowed to do reading outside of class now? I don't think my father would be very pleased if he found out that you were trying to hinder my learning."
"Do not play me, Malfoy." Snape stared down at me. "Detention. For a week."
Your POV -
Madam Pomfrey had managed to heal my arms within a matter of seconds, but suggested that I stayed in the wing overnight to keep check on me.
"Thanks Hermione." I said, as she got up to leave.
"No worries, I'll let the others know you're in here. They might want to come visit you in the morning."
She smiled back at me, before leaving.
The hours passed, and I tried to sleep but I felt too restless. The wing was hot and stuffy, and I needed some air to clear my head; my thoughts consumed with conjuring a plan to get back at Draco for his sectumsempra spell. I slipped on my shoes from under the bed, and grabbed a jumper from the bag Hermione had brought me. Taking my wand, I stalked out of the wing and into the cool corridor.
My mind immediately felt clearer as I felt a cool breeze from the other end of the stone corridor. Walking in the opposite direction from the hospital wing, I stopped about halfway down the path, and sat on the ledge of a stone arch. I pushed my back against the brick, bringing my knees tight into my chest, and looked out into the night.
Time passed, but it wasn't long before I heard the noise of shuffling feet and shaking breathing heading in my direction. For fear that I would get caught, I pushed myself further back into wall, in hope that the castle would take mercy on me and swallow me up. The footsteps got louder as they approached me, pacing with rhythm.
"Draco?" I called out. His platinum hair was pretty hard to mistake, even in the dark.
"Y/N?" He came into full view, illuminated by the moonlight. His eyes torn with tiredness and sunken by sadness.
"Are you alright?" I may not have liked Draco, but I wasn't completely heartless.
"Just tired." He replied. Draco kept his head down, but didn't move away from me; just stood in front of me, his whole character felt wrong.
"Can I join you?" Draco finally asked, approaching the opposite side of the bench.
"Yes, of course."
I pulled my knees further into my chest, but Draco's toes still pushed against mine as he sat down.
For a while, we just gazed out into the dark. I tried counting the hanging stars, but the clouds kept rolling in the way, throwing me off count.
"I'm sorry about earlier." Draco mentioned, out of the blue.
"I shouldn't have tried it out on you. I'm sorry." Draco looked upset with himself as he apologised again.
"Hey," I reached out putting my hand on his, in hope of giving some sort of comfort. "It's ok, don't worry. It was kind of impressive actually, I've never seen anyone perform that spell before."
Draco looked at my hand on his, but didn't move it. He paused, mumbling over what to say.
"I don't know why I hate you." He whispered. "You've never done anything wrong. It's always been me."
"Well I'm pretty provocative, so I wouldn't worry about it."
"No," Draco shook his head. "I only ever treated you like this because that's how you treated me, but the difference is that you had a valid reason; I was just being petty."
He looked like a puppy that had just been shouted at; swallowed eyes, head bowed and for some reason it was really killing me.
"Draco, you still have time to change." I looked soft into his eyes. "You don't have to stay like this. You have time to mend what you've said and take back what you've done. Not everyone thinks you're evil, not everybody hates you. You can change, I promise."
Draco's cool silver eyes looked deep back into mine, as they danced around my face. He sat up and edged closer to me.
"Thank you Y/N. You're actually really kind." He chuckled.
"You sound so surprised," I laughed back.
My eyes swam together with his, flickering to his lips. Was I really having this moment with Draco Malfoy?
He edged closer evermore, and I found myself copying. My eyes darted amongst his once more, before finding my lips attached to his. Our lips moved in sync whilst the moonlight lit up our kiss. Draco pulled away, cool air once again hitting me and gazed at me, tugging his lip.
Did I just kiss a Slytherin?

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