Ten Reasons. - Part 4

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Day 6 - Your laugh.
You snicker and cackle at each undeserving victim; laugh as they pass you in the hall. Make comments and giggles, like a giddy elf and hold your laugh in high esteem. It slips out of your mouth unapologetically, and crawls across the room. We all sit and wait - to see who it will land on, who is it directed to and what it will point out. Much like your foul words, this holds that same pain; and the innocence fear it just as much.

But I do feel some pity for you, and your fake mocking tone. The way you laugh at what you think is funny, and join in when others uproar. And getting closer to you, only these past few days, has lead me to believe that you don't find these things funny, and it is only a facade we see.

Day 7 - Your posse.
Surrounded by a group of Slytherins every where you go, I don't think I've ever seen you by yourself. Trailed by a cape of people who will guard the ground you walk on, and a constant scribe right by your side, recording your every position.
It's as if you need total protection around the castle; as if a wand isn't enough.

However, like most things these days, I can't help but feel sorry for you. Barely any independence or freedom, someone constantly knowing where you are or what you're doing. No mystery or privacy, would make dating you very hard - but not impossible.

Day 8 - The way you walk.
You strut about the castle, as if it is your own house. Like you own the floors, the walls, the paintings and everything else you can see -including the people. We can all hear you coming, as your polished shoes slap the cold floor, filling us up with anticipation. Confidence oozes out of you with every step and follows you around the halls as you walk.

However, as I hear your leather shoes patter like the rain, it rather fills me with excitement.
Here he comes, Draco Malfoy. What endearing look will he have for me today?
And your waltz, whilst annoying, is rather amusing - and I think you've noticed that, as you've started to hold your head higher and sway your body a little more every time you pass me. It makes me laugh every time, and I always catch you gazing at me when I pass.

Day 9 - I don't really know who you are.
Your whole life is an act; each emotion put on. Every stinging word, every darting look, is an action passed that you are forced to carry out.
I look at you, and see a boy forced into a mould. A boy pushing to break out. A boy wanting to be saved.
The Malfoy name that turns you into a shape, that you don't want to be. Into a person, with great expectations but also great punishment if you fail.
We all the know the name, the face, the act that you carry, but I'm not sure anyone knows who you truly are; not even yourself.

But then again, I did catch a glimpse, that night we kissed in the castle. Sweet and tender, like a million stars exploding all at once.
I hadn't really thought about that moment until now, but it's making my heart flutter and stomach flip and I suppose that must mean something.

But is life as a Slytherins girlfriend one I really want to lead?
A/N - 10-11k in two days!!! You guys are spoiling me 😘

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