The Horror on the Hill (pt 4)

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Last part to this mini-story! Sorry it's so damm longgggg! I should have uploaded this on May 2nd as a kinda memory of the battle of Hogwarts but it was no where near done then oops :/
Your house - probs Slytherin
Warnings - mentions of blood, death and a lil sad

"Our walkway is free. We will attack." Voldemort circled the long table. No one dare make eye contact. "Tomorrow we will attack Hogwarts and Harry Potter will at long last be killed."
Voldemort stopped behind his usual chair. He burnt his eyes into the heads of every Death Eater seated.
After our last announcement, I now sat with Draco and his parents, another family had taken the place where my parents used to be. I hadn't heard from my parents since I made voice I was pregnant, and couldn't make sense of their disappearance. But right now that wasn't my priority. With one day to the attack I was focused on the escape plan that Draco and I had thought up; nothing could go wrong.
"Harry Potter will be mine!" Voldemort screamed, and the Death Eaters stood with uproar.
To me, Harry Potter wasn't the real fight. I knew he was stronger than Voldemort, the old fable of good defeating evil was on his side. Still, I hit the table with my hand, irking Draco to do the same, in order not to cause any suspicion of our alliance.
"We will win! We will have our blood!" Voldemort continued his absurdities. All I could think about was how I got dragged into this mess.
I glanced over at the occupants of my parents seats. It was odd not to see them sat their; my mother rifled with passion and anger, my father containing his emotions a little better but ravenous known the less. Just like Draco, this had been my destiny since I was young. I often wondered if that's why we clicked so well.
The hall of Death Eaters were still stamping with silly commitment. They would do this all day if Voldemort asked them to.
"Some of you will perish," And with that the stomping made a sudden stop. "but your sacrifice will not be forgotten. Our next generation will tell your story. I will make sure of it." Voldemort said coldly, turning his eyes to me now. "Y/N, step up here my love." Voldemort's tone shifted as I got up from my seat.
I couldn't mock the commitment of my parents now; one word from the Dark Lord and I jumped from my seat as though he was paying me to.
"Now this is a cause worth celebrating." Voldemort extended his slimy hands from the dark robes he wore, reaching for my stomach. "The next generation of Death Eaters!"
Once again the whole hall stood up, banging their hands on the table, some even sent red sparks flying out of their wands. I looked over at Draco, who was pulling the best fake-smile he could. The whole experience was surreal.
"With old blood, brings new life!" Voldemort continued to rally on the crowd, not once taking his hands or eyes off my stomach.
It was like he was trying to force these dangerous ideals onto an unborn child; of which I had to keep reminding myself was fake.
"Tomorrow, we will have victory!" Voldemort screamed one last time.

"Well I have to say, that was great fun." Draco unbuttoned his coat and flung it on his chair.
Feeling anxious and slightly violated, I remained silent. I took off my coat and moved over to the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, trying to change to subject.
I pulled vegetables from the cupboard, preparing to make dinner. I tried to focus on chopping up the onion I held, but I could see Draco walk up behind me.
"Y/N -" Draco stood beside me and put his hand over mine, stopping me from chopping what was left of the onion. "We're going to be fine." He was so good at picking up at my moods; I need to hide them better.
"I know." I shrugged off his hand, and continued chopping.
Draco backed away and sighed. I had to hide my feelings better.
"So I suppose we'll have to pack tonight. How much shall we take?" Draco asked, pulling out cutlery and bowls.
"I'm not sure. I don't know how long it will be before we find somewhere to buy new supplies." I replied.
"Did you manage to charm that bag?"
"Yep. I did mine last night." Draco had found a spell that you can use to create an 'infinity bag'. He had successfully charmed his bag, but mine took a little longer.
"It's going to be hard to run with only one pair of muggle clothes, we'll have to buy some more; and food, there's only so long we can get by on bread and fruit; and how will we earn money?" I rambled. Screw what I said about masking my feelings, I was panicking and this I couldn't hide.
My chest was rising rapidly, this feeling was so overwhelming. There were too many variables, things that could go wrong. This plan was a mess.
"Hey," Draco snaked his arms around my waist. I had frozen by now, meaning the onion was still not fully chopped. "We're going to be fine, I'll make sure of it."
It was so odd to be in a situation so reverse to what it had been. I had always taken care of Draco, and now he was looking out for me, it was a feeling I didn't know.
"But how do you know? So many things could go wrong Draco."
His head rest on my shoulder and he kissed my cheek.
"I'll protect you Y/N. You have always protected me, and now I'll do the same thing for you; and our child, even though they're fake." Draco joked. We both laughed, helping to lighten the mood.

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