"Y/N, come on baby -"

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So this one is a little sensitive - it mentions suicide and also being hospitalised. There's no graphic content or self harm, but please don't read this is you're triggered by these things.
This is also a mashup of two requests from magnus71 and 1SlytherinQueen2 !!

Warnings - above ^
Your house - N/A
"What's it like?" Draco asked.
"What's what like?"
"To want. To feel death." He replied.
"Oh. Well, erm, it's not good. Not good at all."
He sat at the end of my hospital bed, patiently listening.
What felt like only moments ago Draco had found me at the top of the Astronomy Tower. I was going to jump. I had snapped my wand, left my cat to my housemate Molly, and written a note to my family. Everything was in its place. But Draco he - he was never meant to find me. Not alive anyway.
"It's like you're trapped under ice. You can look up and see everyone pass, but you're still totally oblivious to their existence. You can hear people are talking to you, but you can't really make a sense of what they're saying. You know that someone has to have a hammer to break the ice and get you out, but you never find the courage to ask who. You know that there has to be a reason to stay alive, but under this ice, you're so lonely it's hard to believe."
Draco sat in silence at the end of the bed; shocked with my response, but had known the answer all along.
We sat in silence for a long time.
"So what can I do?"
"Buy a hammer." I laughed dismissively. 
"Y/N I'm serious. I love you and I want to help. What can I do?" The long awaited question slipped off of his lips. But I wasn't sure how to answer. I've never thought that anyone would stick around long enough to even realise I was on the edge of death, and now my beloved Draco was willing to help. Part of me was screaming - "Let me die! That will help!" - but a small side of me was still clinging onto a ray of hope that Draco could save me.
"Are you sure you want to help?"
"I'll do anything Y/N."
I looked deep into his eyes. Passion roared behind them as I became his sole priority.
For the first time in so many years, I actually believed someone. This could be it - I have another chance.
-----------------3 months later----
"Y/N, baby? We're going back today."
My head cramped up as Draco woke me. I had slept my way through the past 3 months of my hospital stay and the time had come for me to return to Hogwarts. The services that the hospital had provided were amazing, and along side Draco's support, had pulled me out from under the ice and helped me into a more stable condition. However, I still wasn't sure that I could make it back.
My friend Molly as well as Luna had come to visit me whilst I was here.
"Some how it got out." Molly's words echoed around my head. "Maybe someone saw you at the top of the tower or read the note?"
"I promise we didn't tell anyone Y/N." Luna followed up - but I wasn't sure I believed them.
I often found myself wondering if it was Draco that told everyone. If it was him that spread that nasty truth.
"Y/N, come on baby, Dumbledore is going to be here soon."
But I just stayed still, lying on my side pretending to sleep. I wasn't ready to leave; go back to the harshness of that school that played a part in my being here.
"I can't go." I whispered. "I'm not ready. Everyone knows." I tried to remain strong, but tears streamed down my face. "They all know what happened Draco. I can't face it." I continued my babbling as Draco pulled me up into his arms.
"Y/N, you are the strongest witch that I know. 3 months ago you were taunting with death, on the edge of giving up and now - now you're here, in my arms, stronger than ever and ready to give the world another go; and I am going to be right be your side every step of the way. You're no longer in the dark alone. You no longer have to fight your way out of the ice by yourself, I'm right beside you. Y/N I love you, and I know you can do this."
[if you're thinking of suicide yourself, please seek help and advice - Draco would want you to. If you live in the UK you can call the Samaritans for free any time on this number - 116 123 - or talk to Childline online (under 18's). If you live elsewhere in Europe you can find your relevant number on this website - http://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/ . Once again, if you live in the USA you can call this number - 1-800-273-8255 - anytime to speak to someone. I love all my readers and am always here if you need support ❤️️]

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