Obliviate. - Part 2

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Warnings - 0
Your house - noneee

Part 2 -
Y/BF/N - your best friends name
Your POV -
It had been 3 weeks since I met Draco Malfoy, and I hadn't heard a single word from him.
"Are you sure you didn't imagine him?" My best friend Y/BF/N asked, as I paced around my room.
"I'm sure Y/BF/N."
"It does sound rather odd Y/N. Like, how often do you find a boy our age dressed immaculately and in a library."
That's why I have to find him.

Another week passed before I went back to the library to return my books. By now I had lost pretty much all hope of finding the platinum boy again, and felt pretty hurt that I even thought I had a chance.
I approached the returns desk, placing my mound on the top.
"All of them?"
"Yes, thank you." I smiled at the librarian, who didn't return the gesture.
"Oh urm-" I fumbled in my bag searching for my library card. As I plucked it out, it twisted in my fingers, flying onto the floor. "Oh sorry-" I mumbled, reaching to pick it up.
As I bent down, I heard the sound of pacing to my right. Looking across, I saw two twisting feet, wearing shoes made of black leather.
Picking up my card, I followed the seams of the black trousers up the wondering body, past the torso and shoulders, before my eyes once again landed on the blonde hair and pale face.
"Draco." I whispered.
"Card?" The impatient librarian demanded.
"Oh yes, sorry." I handed it across. She swiped it over a scanner before handing it back. "Thank you."
She scuttled off.
Quickly, I turned my mind in search of Draco. I looked down the isle he was originally standing by, but there was no one down there. Like he, I paced the shelves, carefully looking down each bookcase. Hope fading, I reached the end of the library, in the children's fiction. Down the other end of the long bookcase he stood.
"Interested in Wizards?" I asked, noticing he had picked up a children's book entitled 'Normans Adventures in the Wizarding World.' Draco turned his head, face lighting up once he saw me.
"Kinda." He scoffed. "No books today?" He nodded towards my empty arms.
"I've just returned them all actually." I smiled, finding a peculiar  warmth in Draco's silver.     
"You never called." My smile fading.
"Yes, I'm sorry." Draco's own head bowed. "My father he...he's very controlling." 
"It's not that I didn't want to, because I really did-" Both our eyes and cheeks lit up.
"It's ok," I took Draco's hand once again. "I understand." For a second, I thought about kissing him, something about him entrancing me, but that would be crazy; however Draco's own eyes dancing on my lips made me think twice.
"If you're not busy," He interrupted, "we could go and have a coffee, if you like? I'd like to make it up to you, after not calling."
"I would love too."
A smile from ear to ear marked my face and I felt Draco's grip of my hand tighten.

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