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Request for v-lester ! Thank you for the idea, I hope this is what you had in mind ☺️

Your house - Slytherin
Warnings - Bullying towards you, swearing

"She's awful. Completely awful."
I sat, completely invisible, behind the Golden Trio, trying hard to ignore the bitchy comments that they were all making - about me.
"The way she speaks to people it just - uhh!" Hermione continued in rage.
"Bloody hell Hermione, I've never seen you so angry about something. Although she is really ugly, what the hell does Draco see in her?"
"You're lucky you've never had to speak to her." Harry pitched in. "I have potions with her, and she's always picking on the Ravenclaw girl who's her partner. I'm with Hermione on this one - Y/N is a bitch."
Heavy tears appeared in my eyes, incredibly hurt that Harry could say such a thing. I never picked on my potions partner, Cindy. Her work is so much better than mine and I find her so lovely. I would never do that.
"Honestly Ron, I can't find something good about her! She's so obnoxious and cruel: so unkind and selfish: so rude and vain. Y/N is just nasty!"
Hermione exploded, and shot up from her chair. Hot and flustered, her cheeks had pinked in her madness to prove me inadequate.

But she didn't stop there. Hermione continued tearing me apart, still totally unaware that I was in ear shot. Each word said felt as though I was being held tighter and tighter until the point I couldn't breathe. Drowned in my tears, I was astounded at how much they hated me. I thought I was kind and sweet towards people, especially the Trio. They always seem so stressed, and it wouldn't be fair to add anything extra - but obviously they don't feel the same.
Hermione finally sat down, huffed heavily and leaned into her hands.
"She's awful. Completely awful."

Time passed and I was numb, yet in so much pain and still sat completely invisible behind the Golden Trio; so unsure on what to do and how to get out of this hell. Small snuffles and rolling tears left my face, when a firm and reassuring hand squeezed my shoulder.
Draco was stood, towering behind me. I quickly wiped my tear stained cheeks and ran a hand through my hair. I pushed away the urge to fall into his arms, because then he would know something was definitely up.
"What's wrong?" Draco sat next to me, still caressing my arm.
"Nothing," I blatantly lied.
"Baby, something's up -"
Unknowingly, I gazed over to the Trio: Hermione still enraged, Harry joining in with Hermione's bullying and Ron dumbstruck, but obviously trying to pluck up the courage to join in as well.
"Potter?" Draco spat. "Did he say something?"
Sheepishly, I nodded my head but still looked in their direction.
I nodded again.
"Hermione?" Draco asked.
And then I broke down. Just hearing their names reminded me of all the horrible things that they had just said about me, even though I thought we were friends.

My 'selfish' and 'obnoxious' crying reaffirmed Draco, who's face turned as red as Hermione's. He pulled me into him, squeezing me tight, and giving me the love I really needed. As he held me, I spilled out everything that the Trio had said, occasionally glancing over to them to see if they had noticed my upset, but I was still invisible.
Draco cradled me, so caring and sweetly. He stroked my hair and brushed away my tears, and stayed calm and listened to me until I had calmed. The Trio still unaware that I was there and was oblivious to my pain caused more hurt than what they had said. I knew I would never get an apology out of them, no matter how hard I tried.
"I'm not having this. They can taunt me all they want, but I am not having them you." Draco said.
"Draco please, just leave it." I begged. On top of everything else, I didn't want to start another argument between Draco and them.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but I have to say something." Taking my face in his warm hands, I knew that there was nothing I could say to stop him. "You're hurt, and I can't let that just slip by. Meet me in the common room, ok?"
He kissed me lightly on the forehead and stood up.
"Potter!" He yelled.
I watched Draco march over to them, his stance completely changing and tensing up. I knew how protective Draco was of me, so knew how angry he was going to get.
Quickly shooting out of my seat, I ran to the common room and out of sight the Trio. Salty tears still rolled down, and I craved Draco.

"Y/N?" The voice of my beautiful boyfriend entered the room after an age of time. I froze in my seat, worried to turn around and see a cut and bruised face. I heard Draco shuffle around the room looking for me, until he stopped right in front of me. Without words, he picked me up gently, cradling me in his arms. Softly, he sat back down into the chair, me in his lap, and his arms wrapped around me. I cautiously looked up at him to find no cut lip and no blue scuffs, and still finding solace in his perfect face. 
"You're gorgeous, you know that?" He said, catching my eyes in his.
"Well, the Trio doesn't think so."
"Who cares what they think? I think you're beautiful Y/N. To me, no one compares to you. Everything they said was rubbish, and I let them know that - believe me. You're so amazing Y/N, and I love you so much."

And now I sat, completely visible, in the arms of my boyfriend, trying not to ignore the crashing lips of my boyfriend - on to mine.

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