Expecto Patronum

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Your house - any!

Warnings - none

Y/N pronouns - this is a neutral story, you can add any pronouns you'd like :)

Also this imagine is inspired by a tiktok created by @godofstars - go check her out!


"Draco, this is not a good idea!" 

"Come on goody two-shoes, let's have some fun!" 

Draco's hand took mine as he pulled me out of the porch and down the track towards Hogsmeade. 

"Not so fast!" I whispered, grabbing Draco's arm to stop myself from slipping on the ice covered cobbles. He turned and smiled at me, his woolly hat balanced just above his eyes. We both ran carefully up the path leaving the warmth of the castle behind us. Fresh snow began to fall and land on our dark coats. 

"What if someone spots us?" I asked, slightly out of breath from the cold night and all the running.

"We're too far away now, no one can see us baby, trust me." Draco stopped for a second and turned around. "Look, no lights. If we cant see them, they can't see us." He pointed in the vague direction of the castle, although anything that far away from us was not cloaked in snow clouds. 

I dont know why I was so worried. Anyone who managed to spot us out of the castle windows would never have guessed it was us. When I was with Draco he became this big fool, a daft boy who was affectionate and loving - the total opposite of who he was at school. No one would have known that this stumbling idiot was him. 

"We're not going actually into the village are we?" I pulled back, slowing down to a walking pace. 

"Nope -" He stopped and walked behind me. "We are going-" I felt Draco's scarf cover my eyes.

"Hey!" I said, trying to bat him away. 

"We are going this way." He calmed me as I felt his hands on my waist, guiding me forward. 

"And, voilà. Here we are." Draco kissed my cheek as I pulled down his scarf off my eyes. 

In front of me stood a very giddy Draco Malfoy, who was grinning from ear to ear. 

"Dray, it's so magical." 

He had lead me off the main track and to a lake, that was now frozen over with thick ice. The bright moon bounced off the ice, making it sparkle and creating our own night sky at our feet. 

"You like it? Draco asked.

"I love it you idiot!" I said, throwing my hands around his neck and kissing him. "Its so wonderful." 

The fool began to blush, making me love him even more. 

"Shall we skate?" He asked, bringing his hand up to show me two pairs of ice skates that he was holding.

"How did they get there?" I laughed. Draco winked at me.



But that was a lifetime ago, Draco and I aren't even together anymore. 

About one week after that night he broke up with me. He kissed me softly on the cheek as he told me that things were about to change, and that this was the best way that he could protect me. He stroked my hair as I cried, then held me close to his chest so that I wouldn't see him tear up as well. I was so used to hearing his sleepy breathes and quiet snores when I lay on his chest, but all I could hear now were deep sighs and his heart slowly breaking. Draco squeezed me tight, kissed me on the top of my head and then let me go. He walked off, leaving me alone in the same doorway we had both ran out off, arm in arm, just the week before. 

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now