The Horror on the Hill

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Hello all!! This one is a little different but I'm very excited about it 😊 Basically, in the run up to the Hogwarts Battle, Voldemort has moved all his Death Eaters and their families to a huge camp site in which they live. Draco and Y/N's parents are very high up Death Eaters, so live in a house with Voldemort and other important Death Eaters at the top of this hill at the end of the camp - this is what the 'horror on the hill' is describing. Because Draco and Y/N's parents are very high up, they get to share one of the better tents and live there until after the war.
These imagines tell the story of their feelings and experiences in the lead up/during/after the war.
(Ps - the picture attached is the mood board I used to help write 💕)
Warnings - none
Your house - most likely Slytherin

I was outside watching the white sheet tents blow in the wind. Another heavy storm sat in wait above us.
After the last one, the ground we all now called home had become muddy and sodden. My ankle boots weren't much aid in getting back to the tent.
"Do you need assistance, miss?" A figure stopped next to me, and pointed his hand at the two buckets I carried. He held a scarf close to his face, but I could make out pointy whiskers and a turned up nose in the dim lights that surrounded us.
"No. Thank you." I lowered my head. "I'm just on my way back to my tent."
"Well, be careful."
I nodded and the figure walked on. I waited until he had been swallowed by the darkness ahead before I got going again.

Once I was outside the tent, I opened the flaps with one hand, whilst pushing the buckets in with the other.
"You could have asked for my help." The voice from inside said.
"Well-" I stumbled into the tent. "I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."
I stood up straight now, slightly out of breath, and glared over at Draco; sat in his chair, legs flung over the side, as he gazed aimlessly into a book. The boys hair was flopping over his eyes, and he had obviously had no reason to groom himself today.
"I thought I'd get some more water on the way back from the meeting." I undid my coat and hung it over my chair, along with my gloves and scarf. "The meeting went well, thank you for asking." Moving swiftly again, I picked up the buckets and poured the first bucket into the large water tank next to the stove.
"Oh right." Draco said flippantly.
"Very interesting stuff." I heaved the second bucket over the rim of the tank. "The attack plans are going ahead nicely." The water gushed out.
"And your position?" Said Draco, now taking an interest.
"Front line. Voldemort thinks it will be nice for the Hogwarts students to see a friendly face. I don't doubt you'll be joining me."
Draco snapped his book shut. I, once again, glared at him.
"We have to do it Draco. You know we don't have a choice." The only way I could get these ideas in his head was by being blunt, no matter how much I didn't like doing it. I cared very much for the boy, but he could be self centred sometimes, and I had to remind him why we have to fight.
"For our families, I know." He got up from his chair, the book taking his place, and walked towards me.
"And our own protection." I took Draco's hands in my own. He has beautiful eyes - one day I'll tell him.
Before I got lost in them, I turned back towards the miniature set up that was our kitchen.
"Have you eaten?" I started to pull pots out from the cabinet.
"No, not yet." For some reason, an undertone of disappointment cut through his answer. Was it because I pulled away from him?
"I'll make us some broth." I said.

"What if we die?" Draco said, thinking that now, what must have been the early hours of the morning, was a great time to ask that pressing question.
"Then it will have been for a good cause." I sighed.
"You can't surely believe that Y/N?How can you not feel guilty?" Draco rarely asked me questions like this, but by the twang of annoyance in his voice, I knew he wanted a sincere answer.
I sighed once more.
"I just - I just don't think about it." I softened my voice. I didn't want him to become more annoyed with me that he already was; but Draco scoffed. It was no use.
"I think you forget that we don't have a choice. We might as well carry out the task as best as we can. For our -"
"Own protection, and for our families, I know." He snapped. But I just sighed again and turned over in my bed.
"I wish they loved us, uknow'. The way that we love them." Once again, Draco cut through the silence. I knew that he was referring to the way we sacrificed everything for our parents, but how they priorities everything else before us.
I wanted to tell him that I felt the same, that this whole war was driving me insane. But I couldn't. I couldn't show weakness.
"I wish that I had someone who loved me like I do my parents." Draco continued. I heard him sigh this time.
"I love you." I whispered back into the nights darkness after a while. It was true. I loved and cared for the boy more than I had ever done for anyone else. But Draco lay quiet, and I wondered if he had fallen asleep. I twisted over onto my back and stared at the white cloth above me.

The next morning broke and it had seemed that Draco had forgotten about, or just not heard, last nights confession. The boy was dressed by the time he came into the main living area, wearing his best black suit.
"Are you going to get ready soon?" He asked as he picked up the book from his chair and placed it on the shelf.
"Maybe." I was sat in my chair, juggling my book and bowl of porridge. Much like Draco's own state yesterday, I was just in slouch-wear, looking tired and unkept.
"We have another meeting in an hour. Word came through this morning."
"Brilliant." I groaned. "Any ideas what's its about?" I got up from my chair and walked over to wash up my bowl.
"No idea. Sounded urgent though." Draco mimicked my last position and sat down in his chair.
The way our tent had been set out meant that you could still see our seating area from the "kitchen". In between the two areas was a small table, meant for dining at, but had become the main storage area for my books. The floor plan of our tent meant that Draco had a perfect view of the way my top got caught the draw as I turned, and how it tore a sash off, exposing my stomach. The floor plan also meant that I saw his expression when he saw, and the complete essence of him 'not being able to control that he's a boy' and the gaze that came with it.
"Damm draw." I turned around quickly and pulled out the line of fabric still caught. "I'll go get dressed."

I decided after the top fiasco, that I would pick one of my more modest outfits for the meeting. The last thing I wanted was for Draco to start getting ideas - it could mess our other duties.
My outfit was made of a black slip dress with a square neckline, and over the top I had a piece of fabric made from tule and net. The fabric had bell sleeves and a high neck, with black, sequinned ravens that trailed the side and down to below my knee.
"Good enough for you?" I said mockingly as I walked back into the living area.
"Yes. Thank you." Draco replied, sticking out his tongue at me. "Lets go."
I wore the boots that I always wore. They were a dark brown leather, that laced up at the front. Much like my dress, the sides of the boots were embellished with gold snakes, looking as though they were going to crawl up my leg. My grey coat was still wet from yesterday, but with a light flick of my wand, the issues was resolved as though it never was a problem.
"Shall we?" Draco stood at the opening of the tent, holding one of the flaps open.
"Lets." I walked towards him.
I always had a sickening feeling of dread whenever I left the tent. The whole lingering feeling of anticipation that hung over the camp never set me at ease.
I hooked my arm in Draco's as he helped pull me through the mud and up towards the horror on the hill.

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now