Protective Prince

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This is a request for Whovian3135 !! Sorry it took so long - I hope you like it

Warnings - swearing & pain (??)
Your house - any 🍐

"Fuck! Y/N"
A blinding pain shot through my body. I felt completely weightless as I flew up in the air, before coming back down, smashing my head on the wooden table. Realising that I failed to doge the hex Potter throw at me, I knew that the pain could kill me.
"Draco." I cried out. My whole body felt as if a tone of bricks was bearing down on each and every one of my bones. My stomach felt as if it was being continuously punched, the pain causing spots behind my eyes as they rolled back.
"Y/N? Stay with me, stay with me. I love you."
I felt Draco's warm scent around me, and his fingers tied into mine.
"Draco?" As soon as I spoke, my head began to pound again, a foul reminder of what had happened.
I opened my eyes to see a sleepy Draco, bed head and all.
"Hey." I giggled at his drowsy state. I tried to sit up, in what I now recognised as Draco's bed, as he looked at me with concern.
"How are you feeling?"
"My head hurts." I tried to sit up a little straighter still, but my limbs seized up and sent pulsing pain around my body. Tears pricked my eyes. "And everywhere else."
"Hey, it's going to be alright. It'll heal I promise." Draco squeezed my hand; a gesture I would have yelped at if it wasn't out of love to reassure me.
In front of me, I noticed a table at the end of the bed with different colour bottles on, as well as books on Curing Evil with Magic and Waking the Unconscious.
"What are they?" I pointed at the table.
"Well, after you blacked out, I took you to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey gave me loads of medicine and advice on how to care for you. She wasn't sure on the extend of your pain as you were still out of it, so she gave me practically one of everything." Draco got up and walked to the collection. "This is for your head, this one's in case your stomach keeps cramping, this is if you get an infection in your leg and this....this one is incase you didn't wake up." Draco picked up a black vile, relief in his eyes that he didn't have to use it.
"Surely I should be at the hospital wing then? I mean, if there was a chance I wouldn't even wake up."
Draco left the bottles and came and sat next to me on his bed.
"The thing is...I couldn't stand the thought of me having to leave you alone after visiting times were over. If I wasn't there, I wouldn't be able to protect you if Potter or one of his friends came back to finish what he started."
I leaned forward into him, although every part of my body was telling me not to. My lips fell into his.
"You're so sweet," I whispered into the kiss.
It has been a few days since I woke up, and as if like magic, my strength was improving day by day. Draco, however, was still insisted that I got as much rest as possible and stayed close to him. I stayed in his room whilst Madam Pomfrey came to check on me three times a day. Although I was basically bed ridden, Snape instead that Draco attended his classes but was allowed to visit me in between.

"Do you know what happened to Draco?" I asked Lavender. She had come to visit me during her free period whilst Draco was still in class. "He came back yesterday with a cut lip and looked beat up."
"Did he not tell you? He and Harry got into a fight over what he did to you. I'm surprised Draco didn't mention it."
At that moment Draco walked in, bag slung over his shoulder.
"I'll leave you two alone. See you later." Lavender smiled at me, as she grabbed her bag and left.
"How are you feeling?" Draco kissed my temple as he sat down where Lavender had just been.
"A lot better," I beamed back. "How are you?" I signalled to his repairing lip and bruised cheek.
"I'm fine babe, don't worry about me."
Draco started to sort out his books, whilst I considered asking him about the fight Lavender had told me about.
"Do you think I should start attending lessons again? Madam Pomfrey said I was well enough and I have been missing a lot."
"I'm not sure Y/N, I don't know if you're well enough."
"Draco, this isn't about that, is it? This is about Harry."
Whatever Draco was fumbling with he put down, and stood still, his back facing me.
"I just don't want to lose you."
I stood up and walked over to Draco, snaking my arms around his middle and resting my head on his back.
"I can't let you get hurt again."
I spun him around so I looked up into his silver eyes.
"Please let me protect you." He asked.
I kissed his purple cheek softly, melting at his care.
"As long as I get to pee by myself?"
Draco laughed at my comment, and wide smile plastered firm across his face.
"I love you, even if you are a little overprotective." I smiled.

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