The Tower

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Your house - unknown
Warnings - none 💜

Draco's POV -
I have no idea who she is.
I've never had a class with her, never bumped into her whilst walking the halls of the castle, never even caught her eye across The Great Hall.
I have no idea who she is. And yet I'm totally obsessed with her.

I can see her from my window. Locked away in a tower, high in a turret, like a forbidden princess out of those muggle stories. I'd sometimes catch her looking down over the mayhem of the school below.
My head was filled with confusion over why she was stuck in there. A beautiful princess, waiting for her prince to rescue her? Or waiting for the evil that trapped her there to begin with? 

In the evenings, after dinner, I head back to my room, and watch over her whilst sat on my windows ledge. Her tower, a warm glow, her skin, a beautiful hazel, and her hair, an un-rained beauty.
She sways around her single, circular room as if wearing a spilling ball gown as permanent dress.
She reminds me of a girl from a story my mother used to tell me.

I often wonder if she is lonely, locked away up there. Although I have never seen anyone in there with her, I've never seen her upset. A sight I imagine could tear nature apart, and pause my world.

I spend my days imagining what it would be like to spend time with her.
I would waltz her around her room; delicately holding her waist whilst her hands rested on my shoulders.
I would give up my coat in the winter; tightly hold her hands to keep them warm.
I would wake up with her on my chest; the sound of our deep breaths and the distant call of dawn the only thing audible.
I would tell her how much I love her, and how happy she makes me; I would tell her how beautiful she really is.

I often wonder if she watches me the same way I watch her. If she can see my in my tower, the same way I can see her in her tower.

"Oh beautiful princess let down your hair, and let me climb up the tower."
A/N - does anyone want me to write an imagine using he or they?? Just let me know if you do - I feel as if my stories are a bit exclusive atm :/
(Also, I had to write this story three times because I kept pressing 'cut' instead of 'copy' 🙄😂)

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