The Horror on the Hill (pt 2)

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Your house - probs Slytherin
Warnings - none xoxo

"We have to stand united! We cannot let them win!"
As Draco and I entered the manor a shrill voice echoed down the halls.
"Thank you." I whispered to the house elf who took our coats.
Draco and I both looked at each other with terror filled eyes before making our way down the hallway at towards the voice. I was very usually very confident when I entered the manor and came face to face with Voldemort, but something about today's meeting was making me nervous.
"What about the children, my lord? You know how Narcissa and I feel about Draco being used as a weapon." That was the unmistakable voice of Lucius Malfoy. Draco's father had always been a bit cautious of the pending war.
"They will be used to hook more students in, Lucius."
As Draco and I got closer to the main hall, the snake like tones in this voice became more apparent, and it was undeniably Voldemort. "Your child will be put to good use."
Draco and I came to a stop outside the door.
"Come in!" Voldemort shouted. "Ahhh-" His face lit up when he saw us. "Come, come. Take a seat."
Just as at Voldermorts previous residence, the main hall was dingey, and had a dark table that lined the middle of it. Draco's parents were at the opposite side of the room, but still Lucius held out his arm to usher Draco over.
"Are my parents not here, my lord?" I asked.
"No they, unfortunately, had elsewhere to be." Voldemort looked down and then around the room. The other death eaters smirked. "Please, take their place my dear."
I looked over at Draco as I sat down. He stood behind his mother and father, who were seated further down the table.

I could help but feel smug as the meeting began. Sitting at the table, virtually across from Voldemort, felt as though it gave me so much power. He trusted me.
"My lord, once again I'd like to bring to our attention the matter of the children." Lucius piped up about half way into the meeting. Voldemort sighed greatly, and I saw his face crumple with frustration.
"You know my plans." He said. "I will place them on the front line - next to me."
"My lord, you can't be serious-" Lucius tried to argue his point again, but with no success.
Voldemort hovered over his wand that lay in waiting on the table in front of him. Lucius shut up.
"I have already discussed my plans with Y/N, and she thinks it is a good idea. She is willing to sacrifice for the cause - for her family. Is your son willing to do the same?" Voldemort directed his venomous tones towards Draco now, and looked him straight in the eye. I saw Draco shrink into the protection of his mother, but she just smiled at him proudly and straightened his tie.
"Of course I lord." Draco replied pan faced. "I am just as willing as any other Death Eater here to serve you."
"And to sacrifice your life? You would do that for me? For us?" Voldemort asked coldly as he swung his arm out, inviting the whole room into the question. Voldemort knew Draco's hesitations about the war just as much as I did. If he chipped away at these weaknesses, I knew that it would break Draco - if not the whole Malfoy family.

Draco didn't answer, but instead darted his eyes around the room - anything to keep them from the snake that took a human form that sat in front of him.
Just as before I saw Voldemort reach out for his wand. Instinctively I thumbed my own, which lay on my lap; the words avada kadarva on the tip of my tongue. If Voldemort was going to kill or harm Draco, I had to be prepared to stop it; even if it would kill me.
I loved that boy so much that I would sacrifice myself to give him more time.

Draco's eyes caught mine and I glimpsed at the stress that was pulling his mind apart. The warmth of Hogwarts on one side, and Voldemort on the other. Both pulling equally as hard on his arms, dragging him each and which way.

Draco didn't have courage. He was scared and I knew that. He was breaking and was crap at hiding it. Deep down Draco wanted to run and hide from all of this. He never wanted any of these hardships.

He had told me once about the time he first saw a dead body. It was in his own house, in his own living room, on his own floor. He told me that there is still blood stains under the rug.
"It was my Aunty Bella that had killed the man." I recalled Draco telling me. "She laughed like crazy and it woke me up. When I went downstairs, she had already killed him. I stood peaking around the door for a while before my mother noticed I was there. She had been in the room as well."
This boy had been through trauma and back, and still managed to stand firm. I wasn't going to let Voldemort kill him.

"I'm pregnant."
Draco's eyes widened, his mouth parted. Voldemort turned his attention to me now.
"I'm pregnant and it's Draco's baby." I said. This, of course, was a complete lie, but it would give him some time. "Draco would more than willingly give his life for the cause," I continued. I could still feel Draco's eyes burning into the side of my temple. "-but he now has another life to think about. We both do." I conjured up the best fake smile I could. Merlin I hoped this would work.
"Is that so?" The Dark Lord curled his lips. "Why did you not say anything sooner, my boy?"
"We wanted it to be a surprise." Draco barely chocked out.
"Well then. This changes things."

A/N - So this is going to be a new thing where periodically I will do an author shout out at the bottom of an imagine. This will come from books that I've read/am reading on Wattpad that I think deserve more recognition.
The first author shout out goes to Out0fMyHead . Out0fMyHead is a fantastic author who writes Snamione facfics and they are out of this world!! I didn't ship Snape and Hermione before, but after reading these works, I definitely do now!
Please please go check out OutofMyHead, and I personally recommend that you read 'Cruel Summer' and 'He's Only Sleeping'.

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