"I will never leave you."

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Request for mvargas101 !! Sorry it's a lil messy, but I hope you enjoy 🌙

Your house - Gryffindor
Warnings - none ☺️
———————10 years ago———
"I'm going to be the best wizard the world has ever seen!" Draco boasted, whilst waving a small stick around.
"Am not! I am going to be the best wizard!" Y/N challenged Draco with her own stick wand. "My mum says that I'm to going to Hogwarts to become a witch."
"Ive heard my dad say that he doesn't like Hogwarts, but I'm going to go anyway."
"Why doesn't your dad like Hogwarts?"
"I don't know. I think he was just being silly."
Draco stuck his tongue out and giggled with Y/N.
"But what if you don't come to Hogwarts with me?"
"Don't be silly Y/N." Draco hugged Y/N sensing her concern. "I will never leave you."
"Y/N! Draco! Come in for dinner!" Narcissa called the bustling balls of energy in from the garden.
"Race you in!" Draco challenged.
"I'm going to win!"
They sprinted into the manor, pushing and shoving each other to try and knock the other down.
"Ha! I win!"
"It was a draw!" Draco whined.
"Come on you two." Millicent, Y/N's mother, brushed her hair out of her face and wiped the mud off Y/N's face; Narcissa doing the same to Draco.
"Look at you two. Thick as thieves."
———————5 years ago————
Your POV -
"Draco, I'm nervous."
"It'll be ok Y/N."
Draco's head remained confidently high, as we walked into the Great Hall with the rest of the new year.
"There's nothing to be worried about, we already know what house we're going to be sorted into. We're both pureblood Slytherins." Draco took my hand, and squeezed it before giving me a reassuring smile.
"Ok, it'll be fine." I tried to believe, but the butterflies were growing in my stomach.

"SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat bellowed across the hall, before even touching Draco's head.
Draco rushed off to the Slytherin table, beaming so brightly at me, that it looked as if no other light was even lit.
"Y/N Y/L/N!" A female teacher in a pointy hat called me to the stage at the front. Swallowing the massive ball of nerves down my throat, I walked out of the crowd and up to the stool. The teacher placed the ancient hat on top of my head.
"Hmm interesting. Pureblood Slytherin family, eh? Not sure you'd do so well there. More kindness than evil I'm afraid. Hmmm I say....GRYFFINDOR!"
———————Present Day———–
The whole of the school crammed through the entrance into the Great Hall; each one eager to get a seat closest to the stage and get a good view. I wasn't bothered by the ceremony. People pushed past me and I fell behind the crowd, and took my place near the end of the Gryffindor table.
The commotion began, and a bustle of first years were led in. One by one, they all took their turn on the stool, Professor McGonagall placing the hat on their heads. Each name went by as usual, each to excited or nervous to really realise the fate of their house; until a small girl, with a bob of brown locks, took her turn.
"RAVENCLAW!" The hat screamed.
"But - but - but I'm meant to be in Gryffindor. My mother and father they -"
"I am sorry my dear, but the hat has spoken." Professor McGonagall ushered the girl off, who reluctantly sat on the Ravenclaw table, looking utterly confused and terrified. I watched the little girl look around the hall, looking for a friend I suppose, but she soon gave up.
It reminded me of the position I was in five years ago.
At that moment, the doors to the hall creaked slightly and Draco Malfoy and another Slytherin girl crept in; both bright as a peach. No body else seemed to notice, all too caught up in the action at the head of the hall.
"Oh classy." I mumbled to myself.
Draco sat across from me, at the end of the Slytherin table, whilst the girl joined her friends further up. I stared him down hard, feeling a familiar lump grow in my throat; the same ball I felt 5 years ago.
Draco's eyes caught mine, and noticing that I was staring at him, he gave me a cold and warning look that only said one thing; traitor. This wasn't the Draco that I once knew. I tore my eyes away, trying to keep them from welling up.
Ever since our sorting ceremony, the relationship between Draco and I had never been the same.
Before then, you couldn't of found a closer pair of friends. We'd do everything together and because my family and his had always been close, we grew up next to each other. But then when we came to Hogwarts, and we got sorted into different houses, it all changed. Draco wouldn't talk to me, admit that he knew me, or even acknowledge our past friendship. Our only interaction is when he passes me in the corridor and shout's "Not so Pureblood after all!", before shoving me into a wall.
It was the same with my family as well. As soon as they heard the news that I had been sorted into Gryffindor, they sent me a letter saying 'No ancestor of ours has even been placed in Gryffindor - from now on, we have no daughter, as far as we are concerned.'
So I was alone.
That was except for my Grandma.
She sent me a letter as well, talking of how she was surprised I wasn't in Slytherin, but that she would always stick by me, no matter what house I was in.
I just wish Draco had accepted me the same way she had. It was heartbreaking to lose him, and it's hard to believe how happy he can be without me in his life anymore.
The ceremony finally ended, and the crowds started to depart. Standing up, I could now see that poor Ravenclaw girl again, crying on the shoulder of another first year. The lump in my throat still bounced, as I followed the rest of Gryffindor out, feeling immensely sorry for her. I wanted to tell her that it would be ok, but taking from my own experience, I couldn't promise anything.

Draco was a nightmare to be in the same class with. I could feel his harsh glares on me at all times, and the way that just a look could degrade me. All I wanted to do was yell at him - "How can you forget? Didn't I mean anything to you?". At least, however, he didn't bully me as much as he did some people in our year; in that respect I was lucky.
"I'm sorry to disturb Professor Flitwick, but can I please borrow Miss Y/L/N?" Professor McGonagall asked, entering the classroom.
"Of course, yes."
"You'll need your stuff." McGonagall said as I got up to leave.
Everyone's eyes where on me as I walked out, head high to try and mask my anxiety.
"Am I in trouble Professor?" I asked once we were outside the room.
"No, my love."
I followed her around the castle, until we reacher her office.
"Please, take a seat," Professor McGonagall gestured as I walked in.
"What's wrong?" I questioned.
She took a long pause before answering, giving her time to think over what to say.
"We received word this morning, that your Grandma passed away earlier this week. I am very sorry Miss Y/L/N."
"What?" I couldn't believe it. I won't believe it.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. If there is anything we can do, please let me know."
"I think I'm just going to head to my dorm."
Professor McGonagall bowed lightly, as I got up and left.
I started walking at such a pace, I could have been running a sprint; I just wanted to get out of this school. My feet slapped the cold stone underneath me, and I ran around the corridors, not going anywhere in particular. My whole body felt numb.
I was still racing around the castle, my heart breaking with every single step. I was officially alone.
I loud sob escaped my lips as I collapsed on the floor in grief.
"How could you? How could you?!" I screamed, not entirely sure to who.
On my left, I suddenly realised that a black door, carved with an intricate pattern appeared on the wall.
"The room of requirement, of course."
I had been wishing to get out of this school whilst pacing around, and I must have passed here two more times before now. I hauled myself off the floor, and opened the door.
Light streamed in, and the image of tall green hedges wrapped the room. The ceiling was clear blue, and the preened grass and trees confirmed where I was.
I was standing in the garden of Malfoy Manor.
My legs gave way again as I fell on the soft prickles of the grass. My head felt cloudy and toxic, and the faux breeze wasn't clearing it. Sobs and cries came falling out of me, whilst I just prayed for some comfort. I just wanted someone. I didn't want to be alone.
I shot up.
"What's wrong?"
It was Draco.
Not completely sure what to say, I just sat there; my heart ever so slightly fluttering. But I could still feel the tug of grief that wrapped my body. A loud wail escaped my lips once again, as my eyes blurred with tears.
"She's gone Draco. My Grandma, she died."
Draco rushed to my side and I buried my body in his chest.
"Y/N, I am so sorry. I'm so sorry." He kissed the top of my head as my tears continued rolling down my cheek.
Draco's comforting heart beat echoed in my ear, as I still leaned into him. The way we were sat reminded me of the way it used to be.
"Why are you here, Draco?" I wondered.
"I could hear you crying from down the corridor, but the room would only let me see the door and come in if you wanted me to."
I swallowed my tears and sat up, off his warm torso.
"You changed." I whispered.
"I know." Draco dropped his head, and remained still.
"What happened? Did I do something? Was it my fault?"
"No, no." He stopped me. "It was my father. He told me that I could only be friends with people in Slytherin, even though I begged him to let us remain friends. But he won't have it, and said that we could no longer see each other and I had to treat you like I treat every other Gryffindor. I'm so sorry Y/N. I've felt guilty for it ever since, and the way I had to treat you broke my heart because - because - I love you. I always have Y/N, and I'm so sorry it had to be like this, but I want it to change. I love you and my father isn't going to change that."
"Draco, I - I forgive you, I understand why you had to act that way and truth is - I love you too."
He pulled back into his chest as I wrapped my arms around him.
"I will never leave you."

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