The Tower (pt.5)

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Check out the Behind the Scenes insert about this imagine in the 500k section!

Only one more part to come for this imagine! 😨
Sorry it escalates so quickly!!
Your house - Ravenclaw
Warnings - mentions of food

Draco's POV -
I was was never prepared for what happened next on that joyful night. The doors swung open again; I turned my head, curious to see who wasn't already in the hall. I thought it was impossible that any more students were to come.

Anthony Goldstein walked in, but on his arm hung a body I thought I knew.
The hazel of her skin was such a familiar warmth. The way her body moved with steps I had once traced. The ringlets of her hair fell at her shoulder; they had once invited me to touch them. Everything about this girl was familiar, apart from her gown.
I was too far away to see the features of her face, but I was certain that I recognised her.

Anthony and the girl stepped forward, and down into the hall. I watched them both, until they had been swallowed up into the crowd.
"What are you staring at?" Goyle said, stuffing a handful of food into his mouth. I just turned to him and rolled my eyes.
I looked up into the crowd, and tried desperately to find that girl again. Everyone was dancing, getting in my way, and all I could see were blurry colours.
"Where are you off?" Goyle asked, as I stood up.
"Uh - I have to find someone."
"Oh right." He looked at me, bits of food around his lips.

I stepped into the middle of the hall. The music was relaxed now, and people were dancing in small groups. I worked my way through the crowd, looking frantically for the girl. My fellow Slytherins kept coming up to me, asking if I wanted to dance with them, but I just waved them off.
I felt as though I was going in circles, slowly giving up, until - the crowd parted slightly in front of where I stood, and there she was.

Laughing and smiling with Luna Lovegood, other Ravenclaw students I knew, and Anthony Goldstein.
And I knew who she was. She was the girl from the tower.

And then it happened. She looked up. She looked straight at me; and something inside me clicked.
Her beauty tended to all the pain that I had ever felt. Her eyes seemed to calm my racing mind. Every struggle that I have been through, all the torturing pain had been worth it, just for this moment.
The rest of the hall melted away as she started walking towards me. I walked towards her as well. Her pace picked up, as a wide smile spread across her face. And then, inches from each other, we stopped.

"Hi." She said.
"Hi." I said. "I'm Draco."
She stared up at my hair. Her hand twitched, as though wanting to touch it.
"I'm Amaryllis." She looked back into my eyes.
"What a beautiful name." I said. It was perfect; her name, her face, everything about this moment.
"Thank you." She tipped her head forward and blushed. "You know who I am, don't you?" She seemed shy to ask the question.
"You live in a tower." I replied. "I can see you from my room."
Amaryllis just nodded.

The music had shifted again, and people were now dancing in couples around the hall. I had asked her to dance, and she had accepted. Around us, the hall faded again, and it felt as though we were the only two here.
My answer about seeing her from my room shifted her mood. She - Amaryllis - seemed far more relaxed in my presence. I was holding her close to my chest, resting my hands on her back, whilst her arms were flung around my neck. It was as though she was melting into me.
"You really are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." I whispered into her ear. We had been dancing for a while now. I felt her smile, the heat from her cheeks warming my chest.
"I could see you as well, you know; from my tower." Amaryllis said. She swayed her hips a little more, driving me insane. "You were so sad, Draco."
My name left her lips, and I only wanted her to say it from now on.
"Not anymore, my love. Not now that you're here." I rest my lips on the top of her head.
"You know," She began. "I feel like I've know you my whole life, when I've barely known you a day. There's just this connection between us, like - like - as though we were made for each other. As though this was all planned before we even took our first breath."
I pulled back from her slightly, although I kept one hand on her back.
"Here-" I held my hand up in front of her. Slowly, Amaryllis brought up her hand and held it against mine. I closed my fingers around them, and she did the same. "We definitely fit together."
She smiled so brightly that all the torches in the room could go out, and it would still look like a summers day. She wriggled under my touch, and bit down on her lip.

And god, I wanted to kiss her. Passion overran me, lust flooded my veins.
"Draco." She said, drawing her attention back to my eyes.
"Can I kiss you?"
At first she was a little taken back. I could tell by the way she stepped back a little, and turned away.
"I've never kissed anyone before." She said.
"Neither have I." I stepped forwards, closing the gap between us.
I could feel her warm breath on my skin. Her eyes flicked over my lips, as she wet hers. I held her hand, trying to calm her nerves.
We just stood for a moment. Taking in the situation. And then, just as before, she started moving towards me; taking my face in her hands.
My lips brushed hers, and she closed her eyes. I moved my hand to her back and pulled her in. Our lips crashed together, moving in sync. Amaryllis relaxed into the kiss, as her tongue darted across my lips. She pulled me closer.
It was needy and desperate, hot and passionate. It was like our whole lives had lead up to this.

I needed her; and she needed me.

I pulled back, Amaryllis' eyes stayed closed. Pulling my hand from her back, I traced the lines that I had left on her delicate lips. Her heavy breathing only left me wanting more, but for now this was untainted.

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