"We love you."

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This is inspired by a request from AssbuttMeeMee xoxo
Your house - any ❤️
Warnings - mentions of pregnancy, Dumbledores death, and it's sad (sorry!!)
Shoes loosely fastened on my feet,  I left the common room, and headed towards the entrance of the castle. A small bump on my front; a bundle of joy I was about to share. Draco and I had been so careful, but I was pregnant. And I was so happy.

"I have to do it, and I have to do it today." Draco paced around the entrance hall, before stopping and running into my arms.
I gazed, rather sorrowfully, into his watering eyes. Hints of fear looming in them, but then being washed away by an artificial wave of courage.
"I have to do it. I have to kill Dumbledore."
I hushed him softly, holding his shaking body in my arms.
Draco had told me about what Voldemort had planned for him the day he heard, and I knew I couldn't argue. I'd kissed his dark mark endlessly, trying to make this pain bearable, but my soothing was never permanent.
"I can't, Y/N I can't."
The way Draco spoke reaffirmed my suspicions that he was panicking. He usually keeps up such a high wall in front of his emotions, but the pressure that he's under at the moment, is causing the wall to break.
"Draco," I held his soft face and wiped his tears. "I love you. More than I've ever loved anyone, and I know that you have the strength in you to do this. Just think," I said whilst running my hand through his hair. "Once this is done, we'll go. We'll run away." We both smiled as I stroked my small bump with my free hand, although I didn't think Draco realised my gesture. "You can do this, I believe in you."
He leaned into me, our kiss starting hesitant, but so quickly turning breathtaking.
And this is what got me pregnant in the first place. I thought to myself, giggling so much that Draco pulled away.
"What's so funny?" He smirked.
"Us." I laughed again. "So Mister-" I pulled away from Draco and laced my hand with his. "Where shall we run away to?"
We started to walk out of the entrance hall and onto the lawn.
"Somewhere secluded." Draco began, swinging our arms as we strolled. "Somewhere where it's just us."
Just as before, I brushed my hand over my bump. I wanted to tell Draco about our baby, but I couldn't put anymore pressure on him, especially today. Once it was all over, I would tell him. I'd pull him to his knees and kiss his sweet lips and burst with joy. Although, I hoped not literally.
"Somewhere by the sea?" Draco suggested.
"It's sounds beautiful." I blushed.
"The thought of us, Y/N, together. It's all that keeps me going." Draco held my hands in his and looked deep into my eyes. "I've never wanted anything more."
This time, our kiss started intense and stayed that way as time passed.
"I have to go." He whispered. We'd stayed on the lawn for hours, and darkness was now beginning to slowly swallow the sun.
Fresh tears rolled down Draco's cheeks. I stood up and held my hands out for Draco to take. We walked in silence back up to the castle.
"Wait in here for me." He said once we had reached the entrance hall. "Once it's over I'll come back for you. We'll go and pack some suitcases and then we'll go."
"Ok." I said nodding my head. "You can do this." I promised Draco. "I love you."
"I love you too." His lips crashed into mine. We both kissed desperately, my eyes shut tight. Draco pulled away from our kiss and I heard him run out of the hall. I opened my eyes to the candlelight darkness I was left in.
I pushed myself up onto a ledge and rested my head against damp wall. Just as outside, darkness, only this time sleep, washed over me.
"Ahhhh we did it!" The most bloodcurdling laugh drew a beach on my waves of sleep and I woke with a sudden. "Ahhh!"
"Draco?" My head spun. Was this it? Is he coming?
Noise of thousands of glasses shattering bled through the hall. I wanted to run to safety, but I told Draco I'd be here.
"Let's go!" The same voice who had laughed spoke again, but only this time they spoke with far more authority and haste. Before I could take a breath I laid eyes on the owner.
Bellatrix - with a gaggle of who I presumed where death eaters following her. I pushed myself further into the shadows.
"Draco!" Bellatrix screamed. "Hurry up!"
"Draco?" I muttered. Sure enough, Draco and Snape were walking in toe behind the death eaters.
"Draco! Draco!" I ran desperately to his side.
Bellatrix pointed her wand at me.
"Ah! Someone else we can kill, Draco?" She twisted her wand.
Draco stood tall and he had swallow skin just as Snape. His once dreamy eyes now had lost all colour and I knew that he had done it. He had done what Voldemort had asked.
"No." Draco said and Bellatrix bowed away.
"Come on!" She yelled, her eyes pushing out of their sockets, and Draco walked on.
"Draco, no-" I cried. "No, Draco, stay!"
With Bellatrix skipping ahead, the whole group kept walking on, never looking back.
"What about us?!" I screamed. "What about us Draco!"
But he didn't look back.
"I love you!" I fell to the floor clutching my child wrapped safely in my womb. "We love you."

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