The Horror on the Hill (pt 3)

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Check out the Alternate Endings insert about this imagine in the 500k section!

One more part to come for this mini-series!!
Your house - probs Slytherin
Warnings - none
Draco and I walked back to our tent in silence; both mulling over what had just happened.
We were both still expected to stand on the front lines, but we didn't have to fight. As soon as our fishing line use was over, we were to return back to the camp.
"It is more important that the next generation of Death Eaters survive - more now than ever before. Your child is a blessing."
I shuddered as Voldemort's words echoed around my brain. Even though the baby was non-existent, it still disgusted me.
I was happy however. This plan gave Draco more time. Time to get out; plan an escape; time to 'accidentally get killed and therefore can't fight'.

We entered our tent. Silence still surrounding us. Draco hadn't said another word about the imaginary child.
"Are - aren't you going to say anything?" I asked, slightly annoyed.
Draco walked over to his chair, whilst I closed the tent. He stood with his back to me and his hand gripped to the top of the chair. His shoulders rose as he sighed.
"Why?" Draco asked.
"Well I at least expected a thank you." I scoffed.
Draco just turned and looked at me, brows knitted.
"Oh my apologies." He said with thick sarcasm. "Please, forgive me for not thanking you for creating an imaginary baby!"
"You're forgiven." I said, tossing Draco over the edge as he walked away in annoyance. "Come on Draco, don't you think this is a great plan?" I walked after him.
"No Y/N, I don't. What does this achieve if not more lies?!"
Draco was shouting now, but I stayed calm.
"It gets us out Draco." I put my hands on his arms, smoothing down his suit as I spoke. "We only have to appear at Hogwarts, and not fight." Draco still looked distressed.
"Come on, you heard Voldemort. We don't have to fight Draco. Isn't this what you wanted?" I looked up at Draco with puppy-like eyes. He only sighed.
"I suppose." He said, a small smile forming at the corner of his lips.
"Don't worry about anything. I'll sort it all out. We'll run away, we can leave the country." I began to become excited now; Draco baring a full smile. "We can go anywhere Draco, do anything. We could go to America, or France. We could talk to Beauxbatons, see if we could continue our education there!" Draco and I were both beaming now, passion pulling apart our seams.
"It does sound good."
"Of course it does, I planned it." We both laughed. "Anyway, we've got bigger things to worry about right now."
"Really?" Draco asked.
"Yer - we've got to pick out baby names." 

"Why did you do it?" Draco asked. Right now this boy was insistent on waiting for the middle of the night to ask difficult questions. "Why did you tell them you were pregnant?"
"I thought it would be funny." I said, faking up a small laugh.
"Y/N-" I couldn't see Draco's face, but I could tell he was frowning. "seriously. Why did you say that?"
I sighed. I wasn't in the mood to confess my love right now, I was too sleepy.
"Can't we talk about this tomorrow?" I groaned and rolled over.
"Please Y/N. You've made me a father, I think you owe me an explanation."
Merlin I hate it when this boy is right.
"Okay. When Voldemort asked whether you would be willing to die for the cause, I knew that you couldn't say yes. Voldemort could see that too, and - he was ready to kill you. You were already dead in his mind Draco.
As soon as Voldemort made his move, I made mine and grabbed my wand. When I realised that I would never have been able to kill Voldemort on my own, I had to come up with another way to save you.
Saying that I was pregnant was the only way I could do it."
Draco lay in silence for a bit. It was as if I could hear his mind ticking over, creating another question for me. As far as I was concerned, Draco could ask me anything and I would answer straight. Any question but -
"Why did you want to save me?" Draco asked.
Anything but that.
"Do you want the honest or kind answer?"
"The honest one." Draco braced himself for my words. I took a deep breath.
"Well, as we've spent a lot of time together, and we've know each other for a long time, I've formed the opinion of you that is one of affection and attraction, and now I  have these odd feelings of a caring nature towards you and simply - I love you." I pulled at my hair and rolled back onto my back. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Draco's body next to me and his head turn towards mine; I just kept my eyes fixed at the ceiling of the tent.
"You love me?" Draco asked.
"Yep." I began to panic, a ball forming in my throat.
Draco didn't say anything, but instead slid his warm fingers into mine and squeezed my hand.
"I love you too."

'Ello,'ello all!
The shout out this time goes to spideyshots
Spideyshots is one of my fave writers atm, and she focuses on Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan fan-fics and they are incredible!! She has just started the sequel to her Bucky Barnes book, and I can't wait to see how it progresses!
Spideyshots works are the binge-worthy type, and suck you in from the very beginning.
I highly recommend this author and their work, and you should definitely check them out if you think it would be your cup of tea.

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