Ten Reasons. - Part 3

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A continuing story from the request by xoLovelyLiesxo Xx
Warnings - mentions of bullying
Your house - any but Slytherin

Day 1 - You bully.
Enough said, surely? I've seen you bully pretty much everyone; that is everyone apart from a Slytherin -I've even seen you try to start on the older years.
You think that everyone is below you, and that your name raises you higher than everyone else. You pick on peoples insecurities, their differences and flaws that you create. You belittle people and make their lives miserable. But you bully beautiful people, Draco, and that just makes your soul ugly.
You bully people, is that not a good enough reason?

But, you've stopped. I haven't seen you be horrible, I haven't heard you say anything mean. In fact, you managed to go a whole lesson working with Harry, and not say anything offensive.
You asked Hermione how her studying was going, you didn't call Luna a freak and you've stopped staring at me like I'm some sort of beast. Neville told me that you apologised, and Ron said that you took back all your comments.

Day 2 - "Mudblood."
You spit out that name, and brand it on people's souls. You tarnish their blood, and stain their family name. You use it so often, that you would have thought that it would have lost it's meaning, but it still punches when leaves your mouth. Those eight letters give you a high wall of protection, and a quick way into and out of an argument. There are people with blood as pure as yours, but I bet you'd come up with a good argument to use that name against everyone.

However, it hasn't left you lips in a long while. And you've been as disgusted as everyone else with a fellow Slytherin churns it out. And once again, you even apologised to all those that you had labelled, and you appeared to be trying to make a mends.

Day 3 - Your arrogance.
Once again you believe that your name puts you on a pedestal with everyone else below you. You even believe the name Harry Potter doesn't have as much power as Draco Malfoy.
The inside knowledge that you gain from your father, doesn't give you some advantage, it's just gives us another reason to hide our secrets from you, and trust you with valuable knowledge less.
Malfoy is not the only pureblood name in Hogwarts, but you make dam sure that you act like it.

Although, lately your head hasn't been as obnoxiously high. No mutters about 'news from The Ministry' has passed via your knowledge, and your infamous phrase 'My father will hear about this!" hasn't even been whispered.
The way you act around people doesn't scream 'I'm a Malfoy, get out of my way!' anymore and no sly Weasley comments have been made either.

Day 4 - Your stare.
It's there every time I turn my head; glaring and blatant. Blue ice, digging into the side of my face or drilling into my body. You don't stare at anyone else like you do at me; constantly drinking me up and seeping in every ounce of me.
You aren't subtle, which means other people have noticed how you stare and now think that we're  an item - which we are not.
It makes me self conscious about everything, an sometimes I wish you'd stop.
But other times, I rather enjoy the attention. I'll take advantage of your eyes; flip my hair and sway my hips; see how long it takes you to start drooling.
And it's not a completely blank stare, there is meaning behind the icy eyes and smile.

Day 5 - Your smirk.
Sly and cunning, the infamous Draco Malfoy smirk. It appears every time I catch you looking at me, every time you say something that you think will win me over. You don't look at anyone else with that smirk; don't share it's powers with another soul.

But God, but does it make me melt. my insides turn into to liquid, and my heart completely explode. And the fact that it's exclusively mine, makes it all the better.
There's something there that turns me on. The atmosphere around you changes, and turns into a magnetic field that is pulling me in.

Maybe you're not so bad, but I still have five days to prove otherwise.

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