Girls & Boys

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This is a request but my phone won't let me view my messages so I can't remember for whom!

Warnings - none

Your house - any xoxo

As long as I can remember I've always fallen in love with the person and not the body.

When I was 10, I fell in love with my best friend Cindy. Cindy was obsessed with magical beasts; she was a fountain of knowledge that girl. I would spend hours lying next to her in her garden just listening to her talk about the different types of dragons. The way in which she was so passionate made me fall for her so effortlessly.

When I was in my third year at Hogwarts, I fell in love with Roger Davies, who was a chaser in the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. At the time, everyone thought that I had made this up because he was older than me, and I was jealous of him attending the Yule Ball with Fleur Delacour. Of course I was jealous, but so were the rest of the school, and that wasn't why I loved him. Roger was one of the best Quidditch players I had ever seen. Any chance I got I would go and watch him practise. The way in which he moved was so mesmerising, I couldn't help falling in love with him.

But then there was Draco. I stalked and watched his cunning plans from a far, becoming drunk off his intelligence. He was so easy to fall for that I wondered why I seemed to be the only one. The way in which he worked with such precious left me speechless.

Of course what I didn't know was that Draco was falling for me as well.

"Talk to me about that book." He would say to me in the middle of class.

"My book?" I would reply.

"Yes." Draco gestured to the novel that was resting underneath the rest of my textbooks.

When he first started doing this, I just believed that he was making fun of me, but the look in his eyes told me otherwise.

"Well -" I would begin. "It's about this girl who believes that her partner has been cursed, and is now living trapped in the body of a dragon."

I thought that that would be all that Draco would want to know. After picking up on his habits, I knew that literature wasn't one of them. I was proved wrong however when Draco said -

"And is he? Is he trapped in that dragon?"

I hadn't really explained much of the story, but Draco seemed hooked. He looked at me as though I held the answer to life; when in actual fact I was only going to tell him that the lead's partner had been kidnapped, and a sorcerer had only tricked her into thinking her partner was now a dragon.

From then on however, when I was reading a new book, I would retell the story to Draco until one day he kissed me. We were then no longer people who just read together, but we were officially involved, and have been ever since that day.

There has always been something that has bothered me though. As much as I loved Draco, I couldn't get the picture of Cindy out of my head. We were no longer as close as we used to be, but whenever I saw her my mind went blank. Her beauty was now hypnotic, and she was still as passionate about those creatures as she was when she was 10. Cindy wasn't the only girl who made me wobble.

Katherine James was in my potions class, and it was the scent of her hair that drove me to slight madness. Annabelle Claire was the most interesting girl I had ever met; she was always coming up with new stories to tell me. Emily Jenson was the social butterfly of my year; it was her confidence that made me swoon.

Known of these girls I loved in the same way as I loved Draco, but given the chance, there was nothing to say that I wouldn't be able to. This thought wasn't uncomfortable, but something I knew I had to address.

"Draco." I rolled from my back and onto my side so I now faced Draco.

We both lay bathing in the summer's sun in the grounds of Hogwarts.

"I need to talk to you." I said.

"What is it baby?" He asked, concern playing on his face.

"You know I told you about Cindy, and how we used to be close when we were young." I had told Draco the story of how I loved her not long after we first got together.

"I do." He replied.

"I think I still love her." I said, not knowing how else to say it any other way.

I'm a firm believer that if you love someone you should tell them, so I fear that I would have been going against my beliefs if I stalled in my answer.

Draco was now as silent and as motionless as the breeze around us. I wondered if I had done the right thing, but there was no going back on it now.

"How do you mean?" Draco finally asked.

All I could do now was tell the truth.

"Every time I see her all I can focus on is her beauty. My mind goes completely blank and my heart feels all fluttery."

Draco didn't say anything.

"And it's not just Cindy - I love Annabelle Claire, and Katherine James, and Emily Jenson, and so many others." I had started and now I couldn't stop. "I've always loved lots of people Draco, you know that. I can't stop."

I rolled back over onto my back and let out a great sigh of relief. 

"So what are we doing?" He asked. "Do you still love me?"

There was a slight tint of sadness that ran through his voice, and the worst part was knowing I was responsible for it.

"I love you in a way that is just for you. I really love you Draco. But this feeling, of loving you and these girls, I can't get rid of it." I replied.

"Maybe you love both girls and boys?"

A soft breeze blew over us, washing the humid air. Draco's words were as comforting as the cool air, they sat just right.

"I think that I do." This confession felt so right, but I was still worried about Draco. "Is that alright?" I asked him.

"Y/N," He laughed softly and turned on his side. "I love you for you. This is obviously a huge part of who you are, so of course it's alright. You are still you, and still the Y/N that I love."

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