Beaten Beauty

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Warnings- swearing & mentions of blood
Your house - Hufflepuff

Your POV -
The door in front of me swung open. I gasped in shock as I looked up to find a beaten Malfoy.
I shot up off my bed, leaving my books behind, and ran over to him. I held his face; black and blue bruises already danced over his pale snow skin.
"How did you get in-" I began. "Oh fuck, your lip."
His swollen bottom lip was cut badly and bleeding heavily. Draco just hung his head, eyes dropped to the floor.
"How did this happen?" I asked, moving one hand from his face to his side.
"Potter." He spat. My eyes sunk back deep into my head as I sighed greatly. I had never really been friendly with Harry, I suppose a muggle born Hufflepuff like me wasn't worth his time. Plus, I hated the way he irked Draco on. I'd seen the way Harry purposely angered him until Draco lashed out countless amounts of times and it wasn't fair.
"Did you want to talk about it?"
Draco just shook his head.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have just walked in like this."
"Hey," I tugged on his chin gently so he looked into my eyes. "You know how much I care about you Draco. You know I'll always be here." Draco's eyes lit up a little at my kindness, a hint of vulnerability still glimmering amongst the pearl silver. "Plus, the Hufflepuff dorms are always warm and quiet." I smiled lightly, a gesture that he returned. "Come on, let's get you sorted out." I guided Draco, who sat on my leather trunk at the end of my bed.
My gorgeous best friend sat helpless, aching for aid. Draco had never left my side since first year; for some reason the sly Slytherin had found comfort in my humble Hufflepuff soul.
I grabbed a glass of water and a cloth from the common room, before returning to Draco.
"Here," I said, dabbing some water onto the cloth and stroking his lip. Draco remained in silence, his eyes had made there way back to the ground.
"You're bashed up pretty bad," I tried. "But you're still as handsome as ever Draco don't worry. The girls will still swoon." This earned a legendary smirk from him, making me swoon. Seeing as I had spent pretty much the last 7 years next to Draco, it was pretty hard not to fall for him. I had feelings for Draco before I could even say quidditch, and they were pretty hard to shake. However, I hadn't realised I was madly in love with him until recently. I'd never tell him though, I couldn't ruin the friendship we had and i knew it was impossible for him to feel the same. Draco had his choice of girls at Hogwarts, and I wasn't on the list.
"Y/N?" He spoke, almost too sheepish to be real. "Why do you care so much about me?" A question I had wished he'd never ask. "Why do you show so much kindness? I'm horrible to people, you know that. I don't deserve your attention. I'm awful, you know I am. I know you've heard what they say I am. Evil. Pure Slytherin shi-"
"Draco stop!"
I couldn't watch him hurt himself any longer. He put himself down awfully and it killed me to see him like this.
"Why do you care?"
I didn't say anything. I just stood in front of him, cloth in one hand and the other hanging limply.
"Draco, I..." I couldn't say anything. My head was pounding with an answer to all his questions. I love you. He let out a deep sigh.
"Forget it. I'm sorry I bothered you." It looked as if he was going to leave, but, dissatisfied with my reaction, he stayed still almost trying to force an answer from me.
The dark circles around his eye contrasted the silver in his hair and orbs. This boy really was beautiful, even with a beaten face.
"I love you."
My teeth dug into my lip, creating a cut almost as dark as Draco's. I scrunched my eyes so tight I saw little stars. I felt his eyes burn into me as I bowed my head.
"Is that why you care so much?"
I just nodded my head in response.
I soon become aware of a towering figure, hovering over me. He lifted my chin, but I kept my eye lids closed tight.
I sighed lightly in defeat, and opened my eyes.
"Thank you." His voice had a waver of solid silk, but also slight disbelief.
"For what?"
"For caring for me. For always being here for me. For being the most beautiful and amazing person I know. For just being you." He paused for a little, eyes flickering between mine and my lips. "For loving me. Because I love you too."

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