The Tower (pt.3)

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Hope you all had a lovely holiday season! Part 4 coming soon Xoxo
Your house - read to find out!!
Warnings - none 💕
It was too bad that my birthday fell on Christmas Eve. My parents had no other choice than to name me something appropriate, apparently. They settled with Amaryllis; a Greek name meaning 'to sparkle'. Not the worst name, but a lot to live up to - especially in the wizarding world.
And this was it. This was my 'live up to it' moment. Dressed in plain black robes I waited at the edge of my bed for Dumbledore to unlock the door in front of me. This was my moment.
"Don't be nervous now." I uttered, but my hands were rattling.
"Don't mess this up now." I murmured, but my mind was racing.
"You can do this." I breathed, but I shook my head.
The oh-so-familiar sound of keys rattling outside my room shook me from my fancying.
"Are you ready, Miss?" Dumbledore peered around the door.
"Sir, you've known me long enough now. Please, call me Amaryllis."
"As you wish, Amaryllis." He bowed his head slightly. "Shall we go?"
I stood, the floor beneath me swaying slightly.
"Don't be nervous." Dumbledore continued. "I have all the confidence in you that you are ready for this."
"It's just a big step." I breathed.
"And one you can take." Dumbledore replied. He opened the door further, gesturing for me to leave.
I didn't want to turn around as I walked towards him. The already painful experience would have been ten times harder if I had recoiled back into the safety of my room. I knew, however, that I would regret this later.
"Well done, Amaryllis. And happy birthday, I might add." Dumbledore said as I left the room. I watched him shut and lock the door, before starting to walk away and down a case of winding stairs. Unable to fully take in what was happening, the whole situation felt like an unwanted dream. The stairs seemed to go on forever, and it never occurred to me that I was held in a turret quite so high.
"I shall take you to my office. There Professor McGonagall will meet us with the Sorting Hat. I suspect you will be in Ravenclaw, such as your parents, however an official sorting ceremony must take place." Dumbledore said.
We had come to the bottom of the stairs now, and had begun walking along dark corridors. Paintings seemed to be alive and waving to me as I passed. A couple ghosts floated past, not paying much attention to our doings. Cliques of students had passed us, Dumbledore seeming to know each and everyone of them.
"Ahh Anthony!" He called out to a tall boy ahead of us.
"Yes, Head Master. How can I help?"
"This here is Miss Amaryllis, a student who I suspect will be joining Ravenclaw very soon."
"It's wonderful to meet you, Miss Amaryllis."
The boy, Anthony, smiled happily at me and shook my hand.
"I'm a prefect for Ravenclaw house. I suspect you will be needing me to show Miss Amaryllis around?" He turned to Dumbledore.
"What an intuitive boy." Dumbledore smiled. "Who's lesson are you heading to now?"
"Professor Snape's, sir."
"Then please tell Professor Snape that I will be sending for you during his lesson, and that he is to excuse you to help me with such important work."
"Of course Professor. I look forward to seeing you soon." Anthony smiled at me again before continuing his path.
"What makes you so sure that I will be placed in Ravenclaw?" I asked Dumbledore as we walked past another several smiling portraits.
"Ravenclaw is home to some of our most hard working and intelligent students. Unlike our other houses, Ravenclaw students tend to put their studies before social events, or their personal needs. A lot of them hold the idea that knowledge is the most important asset a person can have. Whilst you have many other attributes that could put you in other houses, your determination and wisdom will place you in Ravenclaw."
I didn't have time to counter his response as it seemed as though we had reached Dumbledore's office.
"Albus -" It was Professor McGonagall. "Everything's ready." She turned towards me. "How wonderful to see you again, Miss."
"Shall we?" Dumbledore gestured towards Professor McGonagall. "Are you ready Amaryllis?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
I took a deep breath and started towards the rickety stall that was in front of Professor McGonagall. Gaggles of eyes picked at my skin as I looked around at the many paintings Dumbledore had hung in his office. Professor McGonagall picked up the tatty Hat as I came nearer. I sat down.
"I will place the Hat on your head and it will sort you into a house. The Sorting Hat always takes into account your feelings, therefore if there is a house that you particularly want to avoid, then it is possible to chose such a fate."
I felt the hat sit on top of my head. It grinned.
"Ahh, and who do we have here. Well you're old, but what a beautiful brain. Endless potential, so much already seized. Ravenclaw parents I see." The Hat fell silent, but continued to talk within my head. "Do you wish to follow their footsteps?"
I want to make them proud.
"You can do that in any house, but you must be ready to face your parents legacy. Ravenclaw holds your parents in high esteem - are you ready for that?"
I can't run away from my past. I might as well face it straight on.
"Ravenclaw!" The Hat roared.
A great amount of applause from the many hanging portraits suffocated the room. I stood up from the stall once the Hat was taken off.
"Congratulations Amaryllis. I shall
be calling for Anthony after all."
"Thank you Headmaster."

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