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"Louis?" I heard my twin sister Lottie ask as she knocked on the door of my bedroom.

"Yeah Lottie?" I asked opening up my door for her.

"It's time to go." she said.

I sighed.

"I don't want to go."

"Me either." Lottie said as she leaned her dyed snow blonde hair up against my door frame.

"Why is mom making us move while I'm in my dance season? That's not fair. I need practice at our school. Juilliard was about to let me try out for next year. So, once I graduated I could go there."

"Well, maybe Lakeland will have a school where you can practice your dancing?" Lottie said shrugging her shoulders.

"Lottie, this is New York. We are the best of the best. Lakeland isn't going to have a school that will be at my level of skill."

"Louis, you never know that. Just give Florida a try alright?"

"Maybe I don't want to."

"Lou, cut the shit. You know why mom has to move." Lottie said looking at me with an emotionless expression.

"Alright Lottie." I huffed.

"Then lets go. Mom's waiting on us."

"Alright." I said with an attitude and walked behind her to the front door.

I'm really going to miss this place.

I've lived in New York, New York my entire life. I've also been going to a very elite dance school here as well. Juilliard, my dream college, was even looking at me to audition for them, but now that I'm moving, they aren't going to follow through with me since "I may give up on dancing" apparently.

I don't want to move to Lakeland. Seriously what's in Lakeland?


I guess I really am going to have to give up on my dream.

I never thought I'd be saying that.

"Louis, you ready to go?" my mom then asked me as Lottie and I got out to her car.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said quietly.

"Louis, you'll be okay. I promise." mom tried to reassure me.

"Yeah, whatever." I said and then got into the back of our van, far away from everyone as possible.

Everyone then got into the car which included my siblings Lottie, Fiz, Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest, and Doris. After that, mom finally pulled out of our drive way.

I plugged in my head phones and turned on some Sam Smith.

I'm trying to figure out a dance for a song by him, but I can't pick a song yet. There's too many to choose from and I don't know which one I like best. None of my family is good at picking out ballet music, so they can't help.

As I listened to music and watched out the window as car's passed us since my moms a really slow driver, I thought of all my siblings.

Why didn't they freak out about moving? They're all just like me. They are all really good at something and needed to stay at their school.

Lottie, she's a cheerleader. She's been trying to get the New York Giants to come and see her perform.

Fiz, the only one who isn't a twin and the only one who doesn't do sports, is a writer. She's a very talented writer and she wanted to look at publishers up in New York so she can become a published writer.

The other set of twins besides Lottie and I are Daisy and Phoebe, who play volleyball. They are going to be freshman's this year. They wanted to start showing NYU what they got, but now since we aren't going to our high school anymore, they can't even have the chance to show their skills.

Every year New York college scouts only come to our school to recruit students... but now none of us have a chance.

Also my other twin siblings Ernest and Doris, are only babies, but I can tell they are going to be soccer players. I can feel it.

But I feel so sad for everyone in my family since they can't live out their dreams in New York like they had planned.

My mom really didn't think this one through.

Also I'm scared for myself.

I'm a very flamboyant guy and partly it's because I'm gay. I'm not saying all gays are. That's just a stereotype, but I'm the face of that stereotype.

I started taking ballet when I was younger because it helped me escape from all the bullshit people have put me through.

People made fun of me and then I would dance.

I would dance angry.

I started off dancing Lyrical. It's a broken Ballet. I didn't know Ballet back then, like how to move, so I danced more loose and broken. I was so upset that I danced my feelings away everyday in one of the empty rooms of mom's dentist office.

One day a really high end dance teacher went to get her teeth cleaned for a performance later on that day and she walked into the room I was practicing in thinking it was the bathroom, when really it was the room I danced my pain away in.

She watched me for a little bit and when I discovered I had an audience she gave me her card.

I then danced my pain away professionally and it was Ballet instead of Lyrical. I also wasn't judged for who I was.

Now that I don't have that safe haven anymore, I feel like my world is going to crash down.

I'm scared.

I'm scared no will expect me. I'm scared I'll get bullied again. I'm scared that I won't have dance anymore to help me survive. I'm scared of everything this move is pushing my way.

I'm scared.

But I'll try not to think about it and just sleep for now.

So that's what I did practically the whole trip.

After a few days of us driving we finally made it to Lakeland, Florida.

I guess we live in "downtown" Lakeland.

We soon arrived to our house in Grassland.

It was almost like a mansion.

I didn't know Lakeland had such houses?

"You like the house Louis?" mom asked as I got out of our van with wide eyes.

"It's huge." I spoke.

"I take that as a yes then." she said chuckling a little.

I nodded and then walked into the house.

My mom said not to long after that, that I get the room upstairs.

There's only one room upstairs.

There was a spiral staircase that lead up to one door and behind that door was my room.

Of course everyone else complained but it had to be that way since I'm a boy. Lottie and Fiz have to share a room. So do Phoebe and Daisy. Also Ernest and Doris. But all of their rooms are like two rooms, so they're fine.

I finally got settled into my room not to long after that and laid down.

I stared up at the spinning fan and prayed.

"God please, if your listening? Please let me find a school for dance. I don't want to let it go like I said I was going to in the car. Please help me. Thank you. Amen." I spoke allowed.

And with that, I hoped.


Alright everyone! There is chapter one to Ballerina Boy! I really hope you guys enjoyed it and liked this little surprise :) please like and comment~ Ash

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