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"Good morning Lou bear." my mom spoke as I walked into the kitchen on Wednesday morning.

"Morning mom." I said in my raspy morning voice.

"You ready for some breakfast?" she asked and started putting bacon and eggs on a plate for me.

"I guess so." I said once she set the plate down in front of me at the kitchen island were I was seated.

I then took a bite of the bacon.

"Good?" mom asked as Lottie came into the kitchen.

"Yeah." I said nodding once I swallowed.

"What's for breakfast?" Lottie asked.

"Bacon and eggs I smell?" Daisy then said coming into the kitchen with her twin Phoebe and her big sister Fiz trailing behind her.

"You're right." mom smiled at them. "Bacon and eggs Lots." mom then said to Lottie.

"Oh okay, cool." Lottie said and then started eating some of the eggs mom set down in front of her.

"So you guys ready for your first day of school?" mom asked us.

"No." I simply said.

"Yeah, it's our freshman year." Daisy smiled.

"I'm just excited to see the Floridian boys." Lottie said and then took another piece of her bacon.

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Same." Fiz nodded and she took a sip of her orange juice.

"You're all boy crazy." mom said shaking her head. "Is anybody in my family into girls?"

Everyone looked around and shook their heads.

Mom just laughed at that.

I then got up and cleaned my dishes off since I was done.

"Well I'm going to get ready, I'll be down in fifteen." I said after I finished up.

"Please." mom said. "We need to leave in twenty so I can sign you guys up for your new school I found yesterday after we unpacked."

"Alright." I nodded and then walked up my spiral staircase that led to my bedroom.

Once up there I walked to my bathroom to clean the sleep off of my face.

I went into the bathroom and got a hot rag, then ran it across my face opening my pores up.

After that I started to do my hair. It's getting longer. It reaches my ears now so I got a head band and pushed my hair back after I gave my hair some curl and volume.

I looked bomb as fuck.

After that I walked to my closet and got down my white skinny jeans, my floral light pink Adidas shirt, and I got my white vans.

I put everything on and then looked at myself fully in the mirror.

I do look gay, but that's okay. I'm just being me.

I then got my floral book bag and walked downstairs ready to go.

I saw Lottie down there wearing a light purple sweater with a black skirt on. She was also wearing a black choker.

Fiz was next to her and she was wearing a tight skirt, a button up shirt, and a sweater vest.


The twins came down not to long after me.

Daisy had on tight blue jeans and a crop top that was black with daisies on it.

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