Epilogue Part Two

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Read end note if you want to hear about my new book and more!


After fourteen long years... Harry stood in front of me holding up a dozen roses.

"Harry?" I whispered not believing any of this.

"Hi Louis." he smiled. "I'm back."

I ran to him and Harry dropped the roses, catching me in his arms.

"Oh my god you're back!" I shouted and wrapped my legs around his waste.

I soon heard and saw that the paparazzi had found us and they were taking pictures and videos of all of this.

"I'm back darling."

"Oh my god I've missed you so much." I sobbed into Harry's neck. "It's been so long."

"Fourteen years."

I didn't say anything, I just kissed his cheek and then got down.

"Will you come back to my place and have dinner with me?" he then asked.

"Yes!" I nodded.

He then grabbed my hand, took me to his car, and then drove me to his house after I said goodbye to my mom.

It was a small house, but it was in good shape.

We walked to the kitchen and he started to pull out food to make... so I asked him what I'd been dying to ask since I saw him.

"How are you?"

"Well, if you'd look around... I'm great."

"What happened? I don't understand any of this?" I said motioning to everything around us.

"Well I went to prison for ten years. When I was let go... I thought of what you said to me... that prison would change me so I could turn my life around... so I turned it around."


"Well I got a job on the list that takes people like me and I've been doing well. It has an amazing pay."

"I can see." I smiled. "I'm glad everything worked out... but why didn't you see me sooner? Why now?"

"I wanted to get back on my feet Louis. I didn't want to leave you as a dump and then come back to you as a dump. Plus you were dating James. You moved on from me."

"Harry, I never moved on." I whispered.

"You didn't?"

"The reason I ended such long relationships with Lucky and James was because I couldn't marry them. I tried to wait it out, but you always popped into my mind Harry. I couldn't do it. Your little 'I love you' speech at the hospital tore me up." I said tearing up.

"I'm so sorry Lou." Harry frowned. "But I thought you should know how I felt?"

"I did need to know."

Harry stopped preparing food and looked at me intensely.

"Do you still feel the same way?" I then asked.

"Yeah." he nodded.

I didn't say anything... I just looked back into his dark green orbs of beauty.

"Do you love me still? After all these years?"

"Yes." I answered in the tiniest whisper.

"You waited for me." Harry spoke lowly and walked slowly to me. "That's so romantic."

I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.

"I'm gonna kiss you now."

I didn't say anything.

"Is that okay?"

I nodded.

Harry leaned in and pressed his plump lips to my thin ones for the first time since my eighteenth birthday... I'm thirty-three now.


I felt all my teenage feelings coming back at once. I felt the butterflies, the raw emotion, the passion, and the love.

I then jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Harry continue kissing me as he walked me to his bedroom.

Harry then placed me on his bed and got on top of me. He continued to kiss me with sober lips and I melted into his touch when he's hands went up my shirt and traced my bare skin.

Not too long and we were pulling off our outfits and he was inside of me.

I've never felt this raw, deep connection before. I've never felt so close to someone and I never thought it would be with Harry.

Everything just felt so right.

He was in and out of me slowly, soaking up the moment of us finally being connected. I was on cloud nine and I knew right after we finished and he stayed laying on my stomach, covered in sweat, that we'd be like this forever, and that I'd love him forever.



Oh my gosh, I can't believe that Ballerina Boy has already come to an end! I can't believe it. I've been working on this since 2017. It's been a long but fun journey you guys! But, don't be too sad. I have a new book coming out next week to fill the void! My new book is called "The Daddy Diaries" and I love it so much already! So, please check it out next week on Tuesday (the normal time I upload). Also, check out my other page LS_Stories to read my other new book "White Rose". It would mean the world to me if you did. Well, that's all you guys. Thank for reading and I'll see you in my new book!

Please like and comment :) ~Ash

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