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"Nialler." I smiled walking to my friend after entering my fifth period class the next day. "Boy do I have good news for you."

"What news is that?" Niall asked me.

"Lottie like's you back and wants you to ask her out."

"Seriously?" Niall said extremely happy.

"Yeah." I nodded chuckling a little.

"I have to ask her to the Halloween Bash this weekend."

"Yeah." I nodded. "She'd like that a lot."

"Who would like what a lot?" Harry asked sitting down in his seat.

"Niall's going to ask my sister to the Halloween Bash this weekend."

"Oh the dance on Friday?" he asked.

"Yeah." Niall nodded.

"Are you going to the bash?" Harry then turned and asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Well are you going to the game on Saturday?" he then asked me.

"You have a football game on Saturday?" I asked confused.

"Yeah." he nodded. "Every year on Halloween we go against the Kathleen Red Devils."

"Isn't that you guys biggest rival?" I asked.

"Well back in the day, yeah." he nodded. "But now it's George Jenkins Senior."

"Oh aren't they the Eagles?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded. "Their football team isn't very good, but they are known for their soccer."

"Then why are you rivals?"

"Because they're stuck up brats."

"They can't all be that way? You don't know everybody."

Harry just shrugged and leaned back in his chair.

The rest of the week was pretty slow after that, but finally Friday came.

"Louis?" I heard as Lottie knocked on my door.

"Come in Lottie." I said to my sister.

She walked in wearing a bumble bee costume.

"Does this look okay?" she asked me.

"You look great sis." I nodded with a small smile.

"Thanks." she smiled. "But why aren't you dressed?" she then asked in confusion.

"I don't think I'm going." I shrugged.

"Awe why?" she asked pouting.

"I just don't feel like it." I then spoke.

"Oh come Louis. Stop being a party pooper." she said rolling her eyes.

I then heard the door bell ring.

"Your dates here." I said. "Goodbye and have fun." I smiled.

She huffed and turned to walk downstairs.

I heard her greet Niall and then say goodbye to mom before she left.

I sighed and then heard a ding.

I looked and saw I had a direct message on Instagram.

I opened it up and was shocked to see that it was from Harry.

From: harrystyles

Hey, so are you going to the party?

Why is he so worried about if i'm going to the party or not?

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