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Thanksgiving break, after Harry told me what really happened with Ed, was actually a blast.

Harry was a lot more open and a lot more happy. I think it was really good of him to finally get something like that off of his chest. He's never told anyone about that before. Not even his parents know about what really happened to Ed.

I'm glad I was the one he opened up to.

But now Harry and I are back in New York City, back to him sneaking to stay in my dorm, and back to me going to my ballet classes.

That's actually where I am right now.

"Good morning everyone." my dance teacher Sergei Polunin spoke with his Ukrainian accent as he walked into the ballet class.

"Good morning Sir Polunin." my entire class and I irrupted together after he spoke.

"Well-" he sighed standing in front of us. "-everyone take a seat."

So we all sat down and faced the mirror where he was standing.

"So we all know that Christmas is coming up and we've already been practicing dances for the annual showing of The Nutcracker-" he started off. "- so I have finally chosen the parts and will be announcing them now."

My blood stopped flowing.

I really hope I got something worth having.

"So-" he started off and looked down at the list. "-the main characters that everyone cares about, I will announce first. The Mouse King will be played by Mr. Kian Lawley."

Everyone clapped and I looked at my friend and saw that he was disappointed, but still smiling.

"Clara is to my played by Ms. Lauren Jauregui."

Everyone cheered and I looked to see Lauren almost in tears for how happy she was. I think she really deserves it, because she's been trying to get on Sir Polunin's good side forever.

"The sugar plum fairy will be played by Ms. Demi Lovato."

I turned to see Demi and Lauren hugging each other with the widest smiles.

"Uncle Drosselmeyer is to be played by Mr. Justin Caylen."

I turned to see Kian laughing at his best friend Jc because Sir Polunin never calls Jc by his nickname.

Yeah... Kian and JC take ballet as well as film. I think they were dared... but they are pretty amazing at it actually.

"And the Nutcracker-" he said pausing and I thought I was going to throw up since I hadn't been called yet and this was the last big part... the main part besides Clara... but I can't play her anyways. "This principal dancer that I chose, I think, deserves this more then anyone in class. He has worked hard, and he has showed me that he can get through obstacles and perform like a beast. I got so many compliments the night of our Halloween show that I knew right then that he'd be my Nutcracker."

I was looking around and everyone had wide eyes.

Who could it be?

"Everyone clap for your new Nutcracker, Louis Tomlinson. The first freshman in history here to be the Nutcracker Prince."

Everyone irrupted in claps and cheers.

I looked around for Louis' reaction but then it hit me that I'm the only Louis Tomlinson in class.

I didn't know how to react, so I just sat there with my mouth open and wide eyes.

"Now everyone up to the bar for stretches." Sir Polunin said and everyone got up.

I got up slower but still made it to the bar before my teacher yelled at me.

__________ After Stretching __________

"Okay Louis, lift Lauren up a little higher then that."

I lifted Lauren up as she did a turn and Sir Polunin nodded with a smile.

"You two look beautiful together. Good choice on my part."

I smiled to myself and kept on practicing the lift and turn with her.

Lauren and I then had to practice a few jumps together while holding hands and all of that jazz.

I didn't get out of practice until 9:00 pm and I got there at 8:00 am.

What a long ass day that was... but soon I was back at my dorm sitting on my bed before getting up to take my shower.

"So?" Harry asked after going to the bathroom. "How was class?"

"We found out our parts for the Nutcracker."

"Oh? What did you get?"

"The Nutcracker."

"No fucking way." Harry said looking at me with wide eyes. "You got the lead role?"

"Yeah." I nodded smiling. "I got it!"

"You got it!" he shouted and then lunged at me to give me the biggest hug he could. "I can't believe you got it!"

"You have to come to this performance Harry. I'm going to fly all my siblings and mom up to see this." I spoke after we stopped hugging.

"Oh I want to go so bad. I've never seen the Nutcracker before. Only the Barbie version."

"Are you serious?" I asked. "It's a classic."

"Yeah." he nodded. "Well my mom and step dad never had the money."

"Well you are going this year. My treat."

"Thank you so much Louis."

"No problem Harry."


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