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I walked through the halls on the last day of school before winter break with a skip in my step and a wide smile on my face.

I was in a very good mood.

"Someone seems cheerful." Ashton laughed as he started walking next to me in the hallway.

"I'm going to be eighteen in a few days." I said turning to him. "Of course I'm fucking cheerful."

"Oh yeah!" Ashton said nodding. "I forgot your turning eighteen on Christmas Eve."

"Your still coming to my bonfire right?" I asked him as we walked to Ballet together.

"Of course Tommo." Ashton said putting his arm around my shoulders. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Faggots." I heard Nick Grimshaw say under his breath as he walked past us with Harry.

I turned to look up at Nick and he had a glare on his face that was directed at me.

"Leave it alone Louis." Ashton whispered to me.

I huffed, rolled my eyes, and kept walking.

"I don't understand why he always does that now. He use to never fucking bother me."

"I don't know why either Tommo." Ashton shrugged. "Just forget about it. You are straight, also you have a classroom full of football playing ballerinas waiting on you to show them a good time."

I laughed a little and nodded pretending I didn't hear the straight part.

"Yeah your right. I shouldn't care about him."

"That's right." he nodded.

"Well then lets do this." I said as we entered the studio.

All the players were there, even Harry.

"Hey Tommo!" I heard everyone shout.

"Hey." I laughed. "Gather around for me." I then asked.

So everyone did.

"Well guys, I'm sad to say this, but this is our last meeting."

"God this went by way too quickly." Luke said throwing his head back in a whiny way.

"But the seasons done for now until spring and I'm proud how you guys improved and got closer as teammates over these past couple of weeks." I then said.

"Well, are we gonna see more of you?" Bradley asked.

"Yeah." Shawn said.

"You gonna stick around?" Tristan asked.

"Of course guys. Remember my bonfire I invited you guys to on Christmas Eve for my birthday?"

"Oh yeah." James and Connor said in unison.

"Can we bring alcohol?" Calum asked.

"And weed?" Justin pitched in.

"As long as my siblings or mom don't see it."

"Cool." Micheal nodded smiling.

"So can you guys show me the dance we've been working on?" I then asked.

They all nodded.

"Now you go and sit at the mirror." Shawn joked.

"Okay Mendes." I said laughing as I sat at the mirror.

They then all got into position.

I then watched them dance for me what I've been teaching them for a good two months.

(The football team's performance)

After they finished I was speechless.

"God damn you're a good teacher Louis." Coach Beast said with the same expression I probably had on my face.

"Were we good?" Ashton asked.

"Fucking bad ass." I answered.

"Thank you for making it a contemporary ballet dance Tommo." Justin said.

"Yeah." Micheal nodded.

"Made it less gay." Connor said.

I laughed at that.

"Well it was amazing. Maybe you all should try out for Juilliard."

"Maybe." James said.

"Well that's it then guys. You mastered the dance. So that's it. Class is dismissed forever." I said getting up off of the mirror.

"Group hug!" Calum yelled.

Everyone cheered and laughed as they hugged each other.

We then pulled apart not too long after that.

They all then left the dance studio waving and laughing.

I was then left alone with Harry since he didn't go with his teammates.

"You did really fucking good Harry." I said turning around once I spotted him in the mirror.

"I did?" he asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I told you getting in touch with the song works." I said smiling a small smile at him.

"Yeah." he nodded back at me. "That really does work."

"So what's up? Why did you stay back?" I then asked a little confused.

"I'm sorry." he suddenly said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For what Nick called you and Ashton in the hallway."

"Oh." I said sighing once I understood what he was saying sorry for. "It's okay." I said waving it off like it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Louis it wasn't fine. It wasn't cool at all actually." Harry stated.

"Then why didn't you say anything in the hallway?" I then asked.

"I didn't want to cause a scene." Harry shrugged.

"Of course you didn't Harry." I huffed.

"What's that suppose to mean?" he asked knitting his eyebrows together.

"You know I thought we became friends at the beginning of the week under the bleachers?" I then asked him confused.

"We did." Harry said.

"Then what the hell happened? Why didn't you say something to Nick?"

"Well I said I wouldn't talk to you in school Louis."

"That still doesn't mean you shouldn't have my back if someone calls me a faggot. You didn't even stand up for Ashton? That's your own team mate Harry."

"Look I don't wanna talk about it right now okay Louis?" Harry asked.

"Alright." I sighed. "I'll talk with you about it later okay?" I then asked.

"Okay." Harry nodded. "Well I'll see you at your birthday bonfire then?" he then asked me.

"Right." I nodded. "I'll see ya there."

"Okay then, have a goodnight. Bye Louis." Harry waved and then left the dance studio to go home for his two week winter break from school.

"Bye Harry." I whispered out once the dance studio doors closed. "Bye."


I hope everyone had a good day today and I'll see you all next week! Please like and comment ~Ash

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