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(Second update because it's my birthday 🎉)

"So what are you doing for Thanksgiving break?" I asked Coach Beast as the boys practiced their turns.

"Oh I'm just going to visit my mother and father like normal. We'll probably even start on the Christmas lights. We love Christmas. You?" she asked back as she graded all her players.

"I'll be with my mom and my six other siblings. We usually just relax in our rooms all week and only speak to each other at the dinner table on Thanksgiving since we never get time to relax. We're all in really competitive sports. So it's training all week, everyday, all the time." I said. "Nice work boys!" I then yelled to the team.

"Six siblings?" she asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I have a big family."

"I can see that." she nodded. "Good for you."

"It's not always good." I laughed.

"Why do you say that pumpkin?"

"Well I'm the oldest, besides my twin Lottie, and I'm responsible for everyone. If everyone messes up I get the blame. Also mom's always focused with the girls and not me. I'm a boy so I guess I don't have problems that are that important."

"Just be lucky you don't get a period once a month."

"Lottie sometimes gets it twice a month."

"Then you're even luckier kiddo." she smiled.

I nodded with a smile back to her and then she blew her whistle to the players.

"That's it everyone! Shower up! See you soon! Have a good Thanksgiving break!" she then yelled. "Well sorry for living so quickly but I need to get home and pack. My parents live in Arizona and my plane leaves at 7:00 tonight."

"Oh it's cool Coach Beast. Have a good break." I said back to her with a smile.

She hugged me quickly and then said her goodbyes to the players before she left.

I then got up and started gathering my things.

I really want to get out of here.

"Hey Louis?" Ashton asked walking up to me after dance practice.

"Yeah Ashton?" I asked as I turned around to face him. "Also nice job on the turns today. You did well."

"Thanks." he smiled with red cheeks. "So the boys wanted to know if you'd like to go to Steak and Shake with us tonight? It's a Friday night tradition for us."

"Oh really?" I asked surprised. "You guys want me to go with you?"

"Yeah." Ashton nodded. "You're pretty cool Louis."

"Thanks." I smiled. "Yeah I'll be happy to go to Steak and Shake with you guys."

"Alright. Then all of us will see you there at 7:00."

"Cool." I nodded and then he walked off with everyone to go and shower.

"So you're coming with us?" Harry said from behind me.

"Yeah." I sighed turning around to face him.

"Don't plan on talking to me then when we're out." he spoke.

"Harry can you stop this 'bad boy that doesn't give a shit about the world' attitude. It really sucks. You're always turning the volume up of your act around me and I don't like it. You know if you actually got to know me, I'm a pretty cool person."

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