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"So?" Harry asked me as he laid out, on what was once James, but is now his bed.

"So what?"

"What are you doing for Halloween this year?"

"I have to perform."

"What?" he asked sitting up to look at me. "Really?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "That's what we've been doing in my classes if you'd bother to ask how my days are."

"Well I'm sorry, but Ballet isn't my thing."

"Well you were amazing at it in high school."

"Well we aren't in high school anymore now are we?"

"No." I answered shortly. "We aren't."

"So are you performing a lyrical or ballet dance?"


"That's nice."

"It's just a small solo since I'm a freshman... but yeah it's nice I guess."

"What time is it?"

"It starts at 8:00 and ends at 10:00."

"I'm going to have to miss it then."


"Because I'm going out clubbing."

"Harry you don't need to go out clubbing."

"Well I want to."

"Well you will get caught if you keep sneaking in and out of my dorm that you aren't even paying for or attending school for."

"Well do you want me to leave?"

"No. I don't want you out on the streets again."

"I don't want to be either. Staying here is warm. Fall has started and winter is coming. I do not want to be stuck out in snow. No thank you."

"Then I suggest you stop partying all the time."

"This will be my last time."

"Whatever." I said grabbing my stuff. "I have to go to class."

And with that... I left.

I headed to my ballet class that was in the auditorium this time for a dress rehearsal, since Halloween was tomorrow night.

I got ready and found my place on stage.

My teacher was calling out commands left and right and let me tell you... I was having the most rough time ever.

Like ever.

I don't know what was going through my mind, but I couldn't concentrate on any of my dance moves that I needed to have down my tomorrow.

"Louis!" my teacher called as I was jumping in a big circle around the stage in my white tights. "Get your head out of your ass, and move like a ballerina should!" he yelled at me with his scary Ukrainian accent.

I tried to jump higher and more gracefully, but I probably looked like a gazelle that had been shot.

"Louis stop!" he demanded.

So I did.

"You are dancing horribly. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't know sir." I answered back. "I'm really trying."

"I know you're really trying, and that's what frightens me."

"I promise I'll do better."

"I sure as hell hope so. You are my only freshman solo and I've talked about you to everyone. I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the hundreds of people that are attending our show."

Ballerina BoyWhere stories live. Discover now