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"Gemma jump!" I yelled as Gemma went into the position. "You got this!"

"I don't think I got this!" she yelled over the loud Sam Smith music playing in the background.

"Gemma it's simple. Watch me." I said as I got into position. "Grande jete, drop into demi-plie, and then turn in attitude."

"But doing that all on your toes is too hard."

"Dammit Gemma, move!" I said and ran into her so she jumped into the air and then she landed into her turn.

Gemma stopped and looked at me excited.

"Now was that so hard?" I asked her.

"No." she laughed.

"Do it again." I said.

So she did.

"Even better." I smiled at her.

"So Louis?" she asked sitting down in a chair taking a break. "How was your Halloween?"

"Pretty good. I went to the dance and then to the football game. Nothing too special."

"You went to the dance?" she asked confused.

"Yeah." I said. "I mean I didn't want to go at first but I decided to give it a try." I shrugged.

"So you supervised it? That sucks." Gemma said pouting her lip out.

"Supervised it?" I asked confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well you know, watch the students and make sure no funny business happens like sex, drinking, or drugs."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because your a teacher? All teachers have to supervise dances."

"Teacher?" I said with a chuckle. "You think I work here?" I then asked.

"Yeah?" she said with knitted eyebrows. "Wait if you're not a teacher, then what are you?"

"A student." I answered.

"You're a student!"

"I'm a senior." I nodded. "I also just moved here a month ago from New York so I am a professional dancer."

"Wow." Gemma said shaking her head. "I can't believe I've been so open with a student. How old are you?"


"Oh so this is illegal too." she joked.

"It's fine. I'll be eighteen in a month." I smiled.

"You're birthday's in December?"

"Yup." I nodded popping the "p".

"Woe okay then."

"Wait do you not want me teaching you anymore?"

"No, I still want the free lessons. You're a great teacher Louis."

"Oh okay." I nodded smiling.

"So you're turning eighteen in a month-" she said leaving it out in the open.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You are pretty handsome Louis." she smiled as she flirted with me.

"Woe." I said backing up a little. "I'm gay Gemma, if you haven't noticed?"

"You're seventeen years old. Have you even had sex with a guy?"

"No." I said shortly.

"Then how do you know you like them?"

Ballerina BoyWhere stories live. Discover now