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After Harry confessed that he was suicidal the doctors moved him into the nut house part of the hospital leaving all of the boys confused.

I played it off that they thought Harry was trying to commit suicide with all of the drugs he took even though we all know he is just a party animal.

They all took that answer and eventually went home.

I stayed.

I couldn't leave him here all alone.

"Can I talk to him before you lock him up and I can't see him for months?" I asked the doctor that Harry confessed all of this stuff too.

He nodded and I then walked into the isolated room where Harry had to stay for the next few months.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Peachy." He answered sarcastically.

"Well why did you tell them if you didn't want to be locked up?" I asked getting pissed at him.

"Because I know that I need help. I'm going fucking crazy Louis." He said making fists with his hands by his sides.

"Why are you acting so crazy?"

"You don't need to know alright? This has nothing to do with you."

"It kind of does now that you let me know that you want to end your life Harry."

"I just wanted you to know so you'd leave me alone. I'm fucked up Louis. I'm mental and you don't need me in your life. I tried to be mean to you, I beat you into a tree because Nick told me too because I'm jealous of you. I'm jealous that you can be you, no questions asked.  Now all I can do is show you the horrible things I've done so you'd leave me alone. So just leave me alone... go the fuck away and get out of my life."

"Harry, shut the fuck up." I said with knitted brows. "Even though I'm pissed that you beat me into a tree, I see that you need help and I will stay and help you. Something is definitely wrong and I'm not going to leave your side and not be friends anymore with you because your depressed. I wouldn't be a good friend if I did that now would I? And you know what? I'm the only one here out your so called "friends" that stayed behind to see how you are doing and if you are truly okay. So how about you stop pushing me out of your life and accept someone like me who is actually there for you and cares. I'm not some fake ass bitch Harry. I'm real. I have feelings. I'm human. I feel for you and I'm here for you. Stop pushing me away. Grow the fuck up and learn how to talk to someone about your feelings... because this-" I said while pointing to his thighs and chest. "-is fucking ridiculous and could be avoided if you'd grow a pair and open up to someone. Keeping it bottled up does not fucking help you." With that last sentence, I sat down in a chair near his bed and stared at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

Harry stared back for a few silent moments.

"Anything you want to say?" I then asked.

"Get out." was all he said as he turned and got settled into a laying down position.

"What did you just say?" I asked in pure shock.

"I said get out Louis."

I just stood there and stared at him blankly.

"I said get the fuck out Louis! Go! I don't fucking want you here!" He then screamed sitting up and throwing his arms towards the door.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat, nodded, turned, and then walked out.

I started sobbing the minute I closed his door.

As I walked down the hallway, I saw people run to Harry's room and go inside with masks and needles.

I then ran down a few flights of stairs and then to my car and sobbed the minute I buckled and locked my doors.

All of this was one big fucking mess.

How the fuck could he say that to me? How could he tell me to get out after I told him that I cared so much for him? I thought he wanted a relationship with me like he had with Ed? What happened to that? What happened to nice Harry? Me changing him? What the fuck happened to that?

I then decided to go home and once I did all hell broke loose.

"Louis!" my mom yelled when she saw me. "What the hell is all over your face!"

"My face?" I asked confused.

"Did you get into a fight!" she asked in such a rage.

"Let me look ma." I said and ran to the bathroom downstairs.

When I turned on the light and looked in the mirror I was in pure shock.

My entire face was puffy and my left eye was black. My bottom lip was also split in the middle and I had scratches all over my face.

Nick got me good... damn.

I then walked back to my rage filled mother.

"Explain yourself young man!"

"Mom I'm sorry, the boys and I were play fighting and things got a little rough."

"You were playing around?" she asked even more shocked.

"Yeah." I nodded like it was no big deal and I wasn't totally in pain. "We were fighting in the yard, it was dark, we were a little drunk, and I couldn't feel how hard we were going. I haven't even looked in a mirror so I didn't know I looked like this or I would have given you a warning."

"Well-" mom paused and then sighed. "-make sure you take care of yourself tonight and put some makeup on it for school tomorrow."

"You got it." I nodded and then walked off to my room.

What a fucking day.


This was a lot...

Please like and comment! See you next time and thanks for reading :) ~Ash

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