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"Harry get your ass up!" I said shaking him awake.

"Why?" he mumbled into his pillow.

"It's Thanksgiving you ass face."

Harry then sat up looking like death.

"You look terrible."

"Your sisters kept me up all night."

"They were playing cards." I shrugged. "I'm use to it."

"Well I'm not."

"It's been three days. You should grow use to it."

Harry frowned but luckily got up.

He then went to take a shower and get ready, so I got dressed and headed down stairs.

"Don't eat anything but a small snack." Mom warned when she saw me go into the fridge. "I don't want you stuffed before dinner."

"I know mom." I nodded. "I wouldn't want to miss your dinner you made for us. It's always a fantastic meal."

"Ass kisser." Lottie laughed as she walked by the kitchen.

Mom rolled her eyes and didn't call her out on the language.

"So where's Harry?" she then asked me.

"Taking a shower."

She nodded but I knew she wanted to say something else.

"What is it mom?"

"Nothing." she said shaking her head.

"No." I laughed. "I see the look you have on your face. You want to say something. What?"

"Do you have feelings for Harry still? Are you guys a couple?"

"No." I said shaking my head.

"To witch part?"

"To the couple. But yeah I still have some feelings left for him. I mean he's a jerk... a real jerk at that. But he does make me laugh and smile a lot. I don't think I'll ever stop liking him."

"Why aren't you guys together together?"

"Because he's straight."

She looked at me with a funny look.

"Are you sure?" she then asked.

"Well when he's drunk he makes out with boys."

I didn't feel it was right to mention him only fucking boys when he's on drugs. I thought I should tell a softer version of it to my mother.

"You know-" mom started. "People tell the truth when they are drunk."

"I don't know mom." I said shaking my head.

Just then Harry walked in dressed with wet combed back hair.

He looked so good.

"Harry, you're up?" mom smiled.

"Yup... Good morning Ms. Johannah."

"Morning." mom nodded. "Well I have a job for you and Louis."

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes." she nodded. "I want you guys to go ahead and set the table... table cloth and all."

"You got it ma." I said and then led Harry up to the attic.

We got all of the decorations down and then headed to our big dinning room that we only use on special occasions.

We then took about an hour to completely do the dining room just right.

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