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Going back to school was rough.

Like real rough.

All of the boys still talked to me, but they knew something was up because none of them forgot about what Nick said. They all kept wondering and asking me what the hell we were on about.

Of course I didn't tell them. That'd be social suicide.

Also Nick keeps giving me dirty looks and I'm actually getting pretty terrified. I never know if he's going to strike... and if he is, I don't know when.

"Hey Tomlinson." Ashton smiled as he spotted me in the hall and started walking next to me.

"Hey Irwin." I smiled back.

"So how are you today?"

"Not as stressed out as usual."

"That's good!" he said patting my back.

I just nodded.

"So are you coming to the hospital tonight?"

"Why would I?"

"It's Harry's eighteenth birthday."

"No it's not?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "All of the team is going up to visit him since the doctors still think he's suicidal."

"Oh." I nodded.

"I think it's stupid they are keeping him up there. So he partied too hard and had an overdose?" Ashton shrugged. "Doesn't mean he wants to die."

"Okay Irwin. Let's drop it."

"Alright." he nodded. "So are you going? I can drive you?"

"I'm going." I nodded. "But i'm driving by myself."

"Oh alright." he nodded."Well we will all be there at 4:00. So I'll see you there. Have a good day." he smiled as he walked off in a different direction so I walked to my car to go home.

As I walked there I thought about tonight and actually I don't know if I'm going... Harry made it very clear that he didn't want me in his room the last time I was there. So maybe it won't be such a good idea if I show up. But even though he keeps treating me like shit I keep crawling back like a thirsty ass bitch.

I got into my car and then started on my way home... but then something got the best of me and I pulled into Target's parking lot.

I then got out and went into the store to find a present for Harry.

I thought it would be a funny and cute idea if I bought Harry a pair of ballerina slippers.

So I walked to the athletic part of the store to see if they had a pair... and to my luck they had a whole isle for ballet.

I walked into it and looked around. All I could find were pink and white slippers. None of them called out to me... until I spotted the last pair of black pointe shoes that had silver straps you wrap up your calf on the shelf.

"Perfect." I whispered as I grabbed them and then made my way to the card section of the store.

I went and found the perfect card, along with a box for the shoes, and wrapping paper.

I then checked out and headed home to get his gift ready before heading to the hospital.

When I got home I put Harry's gift in the box and wrapped it up real nice. After that I filled out the card. Then I got changed and headed for the hospital.

Once I arrived to Harry's location I saw a few boys outside his room and a few were visiting inside with him.

"Tomlinson you made it." Ashton smiled as he hugged me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I wanted to give Harry his birthday present."

"Well I'm sure he'll love it."

I nodded and then walked away so I could peak into Harry's room.

I saw him smiling and laughing with Brad and Shawn as Calum made stupid faces.

I smiled to myself and then glanced to the table with all of Harry's gifts that he's opened.

I then looked down at my gift and started to freak out because they are ballet shoes and looking to the table... he got necklaces, watches, gift cards to expensive restaurants and shops, and concert tickets. All expensive things and I got him a little joke.

He's totally not going to want to see me now.

So I went to move but made noise and Shawn noticed me.

"Aye Tomlinson! You made it! Come in here and say hi!"

Fucking Mendes.

I smiled and walked into the room.

I noticed Harry's smile go straight.

"Um-" I started off. "-I can't stay." I said only glancing at Harry for a short moment. "But I wanted to drop off this gift." I said and put the gift on the table.

"Hand it to him. He opens them right when people come in."

"Oh that's okay." I said shaking my head. "I'm sure he'll open it later."

"No here." Shawn said grabbing the gift from me and then setting in on Harry's lap. "Open it Harry." he then smiled.

Harry nodded and then opened the card, as he did all the other boys left to go and get ice cream.

The card that I got had ballet pointe shoes on the front and I thought I saw a small smile on Harry's face from that.

On the inside, it was blank, so I wrote a small little pun to make it less awkward and not seem like I like him too much.

I know we've been in a rough patch lately... but life without you, is like life without dance, and that would be pointeless.

I saw him have a small smile on his face as he closed the card.

He then opened the box and looked down at the black pointe shoes I got for him.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"It's definitely a gift you'd give." he answered.

"So you don't like it?"

"I didn't say that."

"Well what do you think then?"

"I love it." he answered simply, but then asked, "Why did you get me these?"

"I thought it would be a cute little joke since that is how we became friends... in a ballet class."

"Well I really like the idea Louis. Thank you."

"No problem." I shrugged and then turned to leave.

"Wait." Harry sighed as I got to the door.

I turned and raised and eyebrow.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You know, you're the only one who got me a thoughtful gift. Not just something expensive because you could afford it. You actually thought about it and made it into a little joke. I especially liked the pun and I did not know that's how you spell pointe shoes."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it then Harry." I smiled at him.

"Look-" he started and paused for a moment. "-I'm sorry I yelled at you so harshly the last time you were here. I was just overwhelmed and a little scared that you new I self harmed and had those... thoughts."

"So you regret telling me?"

"No." He said shaking his head. "I don't regret telling you at all."

I didn't know what to say to that.

"Look, I'm sorry for being such a jerk. Would you mind being my friend again? It gets kind of lonely when people are only your friend because your the best player on the team."

I nodded.

"Alright Harry."


Thanks for reading! Please like and comment :) ~Ash

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