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So it turns out I had that Harry guy in my fifth and sixth period class.

What a joy.

I seriously have never not liked someone so much before on my first day of meeting them. Like he really just gives me a bad vibe.

I'm so glad the days done though. Well it's been done since the end of seventh period.

All seniors can leave after that since eighth is a free period, but since my cars not here I had to wait for mom to come.

"Hey Lou bear." my mom greeted me as I got into her car.

"Hi mom." I said sitting in the front seat this time.

"So?" she asked. "Did you get in?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "My teacher loved me."

"Oh that's great honey!" she said as I saw Harry come out of school.

He started walking across the school yard with some muscular brown haired guy and a tan guy with raven black hair.

They walked to a red mustang and got into it.

Harry was the driver.

They then left speeding away like no tomorrow.

"I hope you don't drive like that." mom then said as she watched Harry drive like a maniac in the parking lot.

"I don't." I answered as Lottie and Fiz got into the car.

"Hey mom." Fiz spoke.

"Hi girls. How was your day?" mom asked Lottie and Fiz.

"Good." Lottie nodded and sat back in her seat. "I made the cheer squad."

"Good for you!" mom shouted happily. "Fiz?"

"I made it into creative writing for Harrison."

"Yeah, everyone's done good today." mom smiled.

A few moments later Daisy and Phoebe entered shouting about how they made the volleyball team.

"Well." mom said as she finally pulled out of our schools parking lot. "How about we get celebratory pizza before we pick up Ernest and Doris?" mom then asked us.

Everyone agreed in unison.

Mom then drove to this pizza place called Giovanni's Pizza in Winter Haven which is the next city over from Lakeland. It actually didn't take that long to get there.

"I heard this is one of the best New York pizza restaurants." mom said once she pulled into the parking lot.

"It looks small." Lottie said looking forward at the building.

"Just give it a try Lots. It could surprise you." I said to my twin.

"Alright." she nodded and got out of the car like the rest of my family and I had done.

We walked into the restaurant and to the left was a few tables and booths kind of close together and to the right was a wall that had televisions placed onto it. When I looked forward there was a counter with a cash register and then a guy that was behind the counter with pizza making counters next to him.

"Hello!" the man spoke. "Welcome to Giovanni's. You must be new? I've never seen you guys here before."

"Yes." my mom nodded. "We just moved from New York."

"Oh." the man smiled. "Then you're going to like this pizza joint. What can I get you guys?"

"Can we have two large pepperoni pizza's?" mom then asked the kind looking man.

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