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Sometime around 10:00 the next day I was woken up by Luke saying that Harry is okay and is now sleeping.

I looked around me and saw I was still at the hospital and a few boys were missing.

"Why isn't everyone here?"

"A couple of us are allowed to see him... a few at a time."

"When can I see him?"

"You're the last group that gets to go."

"When is that?"

"Maybe around 10:30 ish."

"Alright." I nodded.

I then got up and went to the bathroom, then to the food court to get some breakfast.

I'm still very upset with Harry and what he did... but right now I need to be here for him. What happened last night was not a fucking joke. He could have died or have been mentally fucked up forever. You never play around with hard core drugs. Sure I've done drugs. All drugs are bad. But fuck... Harry needs to learn to not do hard core drugs all the time. He's gonna die from that shit.

After I ate my moist eggs and dried up toast, I went back up to the waiting room outside of Harry's room.

"You're late, so you have to visit him by yourself." Luke said.

"Can I go in then?"

"Yeah." Luke nodded.

So I walked to Harry's room alone and was kind of glad about that.

I didn't want to have anyone see me get emotional if I couldn't pull my shit together.

So I walked in and walked up to Harry's sleeping body.

"God Harry your so fucking stupid." I whispered as I stroked his cold arm. "I don't know why you put yourself in these situations? Why do you do this to yourself?"

He obviously didn't answer as he laid there with his eyes closed breathing slowly.

"I understand you want to be cool, but you are already looked up to by many. I don't see how hard core drugs can bring up your status anymore? Also freshman's want to copy anything you do. Do you want them dead at ages 14 and 15? No. You have so many people that look to you for advice and what you do is stupid. Smoke weed and drink for all I care. But stop this Heroin and crack shit. It's not cool."

Harry still didn't move and that's when I started to tear up.

"God you fucking scared me so bad Harry." I whispered and choked on my tears. "I really thought I lost you. Even though I'm so fucking pissed for what you did to me on Halloween... we still became friends and I care a lot about you. You're such an amazing person and I don't want you screwing up your life." I cried and hiccuped.

Just then I heard Harry whisper, "I'm fine. Jesus."

I stood there in shock and then he cracked an eye open.

"Hey Louis." he spoke next.

"How the fuck?" I asked shocked. "I thought you were still asleep?"

"I was but then I woke up when you opened my door. I just stayed like this so I could hear what you were going to say."

"You bitch." I said and punched his arm lightly.

He just shrugged.

Just then the doctor walked in.

"Oh hello Harry. You're awake?"

"Yeah doc." he nodded. "Can I go home now?"

"Oh no." He said shaking his head. "You had a lot of drugs in your system and you need to rest up and have eyes on you all the time."

"Would you mind telling us what was in his system?" I then asked.

"Who are you?" the doctor asked.

"He's my cousin." Harry answered. "He's family so he has the right to know."

"Alright." the doctor nodded and I was surprised Harry is letting me know what is wrong with him.

"Well-" the doctor started out. "Harry had a few sniffs of cocaine in his system along with acid, alcohol, and it seems around 2:30 am ish, he took some unknown pills."

"What the fuck Harry." I said turning to him. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"That was the plan." He nodded.

The doctor looked up at him.

"Harry, are you suicidal?" the doctor then asked.

"Yeah." Harry nodded. "Check my thighs, chest, and back of my neck if you want more proof."

I stepped aside and the doctor waited for Harry to take off his boxers.

I pretended to look away but then turned back when the doctor was examining Harry's upper thighs.

"Holy fuck." I whispered as I saw the purple scarred cuts all over his thighs along with some fresh ones, and luckily no one heard me.

The doctor then lifted up his gown and I saw more along with what seemed like burn marks from cigarettes.

The doctor then pulled his gown down and lifted up Harry's long hair to find purple bruises all around the back of his neck.

"What is this?" the doctor asked.

"The remaining bruises from when someone tried to choke me to death." Harry answered honestly.

Right then the tears started flowing so hard I had to look away.

What the fuck was wrong with Harry?


That was intense, sorry guys. But please like and comment and see you all next week ~ Ash

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