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[Okay, I need to have a big warning on this chapter. There is a lot of drugs in this chapter and I want to say drugs are horrible for you. DO NOT DO DRUGS. This is only for a book. So don't act upon this. Please stay safe and always say no. Love you guys :)]

Oh my god... today's my birthday which means the bonfire is tonight with all of the football players.

I'm so fucking nervous.

But I can do this. I know i'm going to have fun.

Everything will go great.

I can feel it.

Before it got too late I got into the shower and cleaned myself off.

After that I got out and blow dried my hair and got dressed in skinny jeans, a button up, a leather jacket, and some black boots.

Niall rubbed off on me a little bit... and I wanna look hot for all of the hot football players... because that's totally important.

After I was done I made my way down stairs and helped my mom with sitting up the snack tables and drink tables.

"So you and the girls are leaving for the night right?" I asked mom as we set up chips into chip bowls.

"Yeah." she nodded. "We are staying at one of my friends houses. She has daughters so we are doing a girly birthday bash for Lot... it will be fun."

"Thank you so much for letting me have the house for the night."

"Well you are having all of those boys spend the night and I don't want anything to happen to your sisters."

"Mom." I said shocked. "My friends aren't like that."

"Well you never know dear." she shrugged. "Also I don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night from your wildness."

"I see that point." I nodded.

"So they are all staying over?" she asked still amazed.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Where are they all going to sleep?"

"Well some in my room and some in the living room."

"Why not all in the living room?"

"Because there isn't enough room. Also I want my close friends in my room."

"Which are?"

"Niall, Harry, and Ashton."

"Oh, alright." she nodded. "Well hopefully you guys don't burn down the house or have the cops called on you guys. I'll lie and say I didn't let you have this party."

"Okay mom." I laughed. "Thanks for the heads up."

"You're welcome." she said laughing as well.

"Well I think you and the girls and babies should get going?"

Mom looked at the time and nodded.

"Alright then. Well happy birthday again Lou and I hope you have an amazing time tonight." mom smiled as she hugged me. Once she stopped talking she kissed me on my cheek.

"I'll try to have fun." I chuckled. "Love you."

"Love you too." she said pulling away and then she called, "Come on girls! Time to go!"

All of my sisters came rushing down and two were carrying the babies.

All of my sisters hugged and kissed me as well as saying happy birthday to me one last time.

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