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"Louis!" I heard a higher pitched voice call out to me as I walked out of Hip Hop to go change for fifth period.

I turned and saw Gemma running up to me.

"Gemma?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm a teachers assistant in Lyrical. Dance Studio One."

"Oh really?" I asked. "You help teach Lyrical?"

"Yup." she nodded. "The broken ballet as they say."

I smiled.

"And you take hip hop?" she asked as she saw my hip hop/jazz sneakers and my leggings that were loose around my ankles.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I found out though that its a hip hop and jazz class. So I'm happy."

"Well that's good." she nodded.

"Well what do you need?" I then asked.

"Oh I was hoping that like, every Wednesday you can teach me pointe? Derek said you'd be a great teacher since he now has bus duty every Wednesday."

"Oh yeah." I nodded. "That's perfectly fine with me."

"Great." she smiled. "Well I'll let you change."

"Thank you." I smiled and then walked to the locker rooms.

After I cleaned myself off I changed into black skinny jeans, a bright pink Adidas jacket, and black vans. I also put my hair back in a pink head band.

Time for Economics with Harry (yuck) and Niall.

It's been a month of me being in this school and Niall and I have become good buddies, or mates as he says, but then Harry and I are still at each others throats? I mean come on. He needs to grow up.

I then made it to class on time after the warning bell rang and made it to my seat next to Niall in the back of the class.

Harry wasn't there, but that's normal.

"Hey Lou." Niall smiled at me.

"Hi Ni." I smiled back and got out my text book.

"So I have a question." Niall said.

"Ask away."

"Do you know a girl named Lottie?"

"Tomlinson?" I asked.

"Yeah." he nodded. "She's got the same last name as you."

"Yeah I do. She's my twin sister."

"Oh really?" Niall asked a little more nervous now.

"Why?" I asked curious.

"I was going to ask if she was a nice girl in relationships because I wanted to ask her out."

"Oh?" I asked a little stunned.

"But if it's weird then I won't ask and forget I said anything."

"Oh no, it's cool." I said waving it off.

"Oh, so how is she?"

"She's perfect." I shrugged.

"Then should I ask her out? I mean does she even like me?"

"Well I have three other sisters that are around her age. She doesn't tell me shit. Sorry man." I shrugged.

"Oh." he said frowning a little bit.

"But I'd still go for it!" I said bumping into his shoulder with my own.

"You would?" he asked.

Ballerina BoyWhere stories live. Discover now